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by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: FX on multiple input / output images
Replies: 2
Views: 12125

Re: FX on multiple input / output images

I will give the first suggestion a try. I also took note of the MPC option. I am not sure that really helps if each instance of the IM tools has its own separate cache and I would simply be reading N copies of the same image into memory between N tasks that involve a common image.


-- Bob
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: FX on multiple input / output images
Replies: 2
Views: 12125

FX on multiple input / output images

I have a ugly MSVC++ thing I wrote which uses Magick++ to manipulate a series of images ( think a filter for processing video frames ) so you have a series of images a[0...N] and you take a range of them, do some compute task, and output an image in a new series. From one output image to the next ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Users
Topic: Magick++ How to save MIFF -w- Zip Compression
Replies: 2
Views: 3144

Re: Magick++ How to save MIFF -w- Zip Compression

I knew I was being an idiot. I just could not come up with that to save my life.

Thanks a million, hopefully with compression about 250,000.

-- Bob
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Users
Topic: Magick++ How to save MIFF -w- Zip Compression
Replies: 2
Views: 3144

Magick++ How to save MIFF -w- Zip Compression

Hi, I'm using Magick++ and have a completely stupid question... I want to write out an image in a compressed MIFF format. in other words similar to the convert -compress Zip option. The compression levels for MIFF are RLE, Zip, etc.. How do I specify this? I current have something like.... // my ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Magick++
Topic: Freeing an pixel packet or image
Replies: 1
Views: 9118

Freeing an pixel packet or image

Hi, I fear this is going to be the "stupidest question ever" but here it goes... I have a process where I load up a bunch of images, processes them. Along the way I'd like to throw away some of them to save on the RAM requirement. Is there a way to free an image objects memory / discard the image ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Bugs
Topic: rotate() creates huge working canvases
Replies: 1
Views: 5515

Re: rotate() creates huge working canvases

OK, so on reading the recent rotate() bug report, it just seems as if the rotation via shears is just a memory pig, and has the disadvantage of poor interpolation. Apparently this is working as designed. There does appear to have been some work on this method which manages memory a bit better ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'CORE_RL_magick_
Replies: 1
Views: 6808

Re: fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'CORE_RL_mag

You need to go into the projects linker settings and add the path to the ImageMagick .lib files ( provided via the pre-built binary distribution of ImageMagick for Windows when you choose to install the developer files during the install, or when you build ImageMagick from source ) typically in ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Bugs
Topic: rotate() creates huge working canvases
Replies: 1
Views: 5515

rotate() creates huge working canvases

Hi, I'm using IM 6.7.1 Q16 MT dll distribution, but the issue was observed in 6.5.2, both on MSVS 2005 and 2010. I have a 10MP input image and on calling rotate() it would occasionally start swapping out to disk and rotate() never completed. This is with your pre-built binary distribution. So on ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: convert finds JPG delegate, Magick++ app does not
Replies: 2
Views: 6874

Re: convert finds JPG delegate, Magick++ app does not

Abort, Retry, bust mostly Ignore the above post.... After jettisoning VC2005 out the airlock like 5 year old fish... rebuilding with MSVC 2010 I'm able to get a clean build and the page fault issue with is gone, button.exe works as well. Sanity has been restored, the birds are chirping ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: convert finds JPG delegate, Magick++ app does not
Replies: 2
Views: 6874

Re: convert finds JPG delegate, Magick++ app does not

Actually its worse / different than that... depending on what JPG I touch first, the app intermittently blows up with memory access violation in . On building and running button.exe in the Magick++ demo, it also blows up on So I suspect the delegate error is just a red ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: convert finds JPG delegate, Magick++ app does not
Replies: 2
Views: 6874

convert finds JPG delegate, Magick++ app does not

Hi, Using the pre-built Windows distribution 6.7.1-0-Q16 I can do the usual convert logo: logo.jpg imdisplay logo.jpg or any of the other file types I commonly use ( PNM, for example ) However I get exception in my Magick++ based VC2005 apps ( which worked fine under prior versions ) indicating ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: Problem compiling Magick++ based app, altimage.h
Replies: 2
Views: 7443

Re: Problem compiling Magick++ based app, altimage.h

Hi, Is there anything I can do to work around this meanwhile? If not, then a follow-up question: :-) What is pushing me to the new release is that I am having a problem with rotate() on 6.5.4. I made some trivial change elsewhere in the app, for example just adding a dummy class which uses the ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: Problem compiling Magick++ based app, altimage.h
Replies: 2
Views: 7443

Problem compiling Magick++ based app, altimage.h

Hi, I have an existing project using Magick++, which I have rebuilt for various prior releases of ImageMagick. But on trying to rebuild it for 6.7.1, on VC 2005, I am able to build the 6.7.1 source for shared library ( x86, multi-threaded, 32-bit ) and the build seems successful. On pointing my ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Users
Topic: 16-bit / channel RGB output formats with Q16
Replies: 1
Views: 4599

16-bit / channel RGB output formats with Q16

Hi, I'm using Magick++ and the Q16 libraries, to produce a series of files that are handed to ffmpeg and converted into video. My issues is that I need a file format which can store 16-bit / channel RGB and be read by ffmpeg. ( The underlying issue is that most video formats are 10-bit / 12-bit and ...
by Bob-O-Rama
Forum: Developers
Topic: Problems with EXR under Windows
Replies: 2
Views: 8865

Re: Problems with EXR under Windows

I don't wan't to seem too argumentative here, as I greatly appreciate the effort put in to Image Magick and don't want to bite the hand that feed me, per se. So just let me "rephrase" the OP's request. For me, I could care less about EXR. However I'd like to be able to point people at pre-built ...