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by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

Thx. everything seems to work ok now.
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

I updated the imagemagick version to 6.4.9-8 and the following happens: - Golden border works fine now. - Black border still has noise. To repeat: - Go to - Click on 'effects' - Click on 'black frame'. See image for example output: ...
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

Can you post a small example of the noise? Have you tried modifying the script to output intermediate images so as to track where the noise is being added? You Can see it yourself by doing the steps I mentioned in the previous post and also see there the different between 1 thread and 8. I have not ...
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

anthony wrote:if calling from php, to run imagemagick from a bash shell use...

Code: Select all

  system("MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT=1 convert .....");

is it also possible to add it in your frame_edge script??

I tried adding: MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT=1 to the script, but that does not seem to work?
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

I did the test by setting the thread limit to 1 in the configure.xml.

And then I still had some strange artifacts, but a lot less.

I will ask my hoster to upgrade ImageMagick, but they are only able to do that next week.
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

magick wrote:You should be able to set the environment variable in your web script.
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

I will reply when I can test this. Tomorrow I away the whole day.
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

magick wrote:Set the MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT environment variable to 1 and see if that fixes the problem.
Can I just edit the XML or do I need to restart something??

It seems I have no rights to change the configure.xml, so I will ask my hoster.
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

Version: ImageMagick 6.4.8-9 2009-01-29 Q16 OpenMP

I probably can not get a new version installed.

The environment is exactly the same only now multithreaded enabled and that produces this bug. Everything else seems to work ok.
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Re: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

version 6.4.8-9

in php I am using:
exec('/www/ ... rame_edges gold '.extractname($_REQUEST["imageFileName"]).' > '.$imagesurse.'');

frame edges script and images can be found here: ... ges.tar.gz
by bram12
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?
Replies: 27
Views: 54589

Bug in frame_edges example while using multithreaded?

hi, I was using the frame edges examples found on: and downloaded the script That was working fine until I switched to a multithreaded environment for image magick. Now some images ...
by bram12
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparent, rounded corners
Replies: 12
Views: 66771

Re: Transparent, rounded corners

pffff... yes sorry you are correct.
by bram12
Forum: Users
Topic: Transparent, rounded corners
Replies: 12
Views: 66771

Re: Transparent, rounded corners

hi anthony I tried your example on (as many examples :) ) But the round corner does not seem to work, see the site and then 'effects' and then 'round corners'. The background is not tranparant. PHP code: $size_img= getimagesize($filenameclean); $width=$size_img[0 ...