Search found 7 matches

by Bertrand
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7
Replies: 2
Views: 3967

Re: Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7

No one have ever had this issue ?
by Bertrand
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7
Replies: 2
Views: 3967

Socket operation on non-socket - IM 6.3.7

Hello, I'm using IM for my website for 4 years and since a couple of months I randomly have this issue : convert: AnErrorHasOccurredWritingToFile myfile.jpeg.png': Socket operation on non-socket. This happens always on the same command : convert myfile.jpeg -resize YYYxZZZ myfile.jpeg.png I have ...
by Bertrand
Forum: Developers
Topic: Reproduce iPhone tricky image processing
Replies: 3
Views: 8091

Re: Reproduce iPhone tricky image processing

Thank you very much for this precise answer.

I tested SRT actually, but with "+distort". I didn't realize the interest of "- distort" in my specific case.

I will work on your solution.

Thanks again.
by Bertrand
Forum: Developers
Topic: Reproduce iPhone tricky image processing
Replies: 3
Views: 8091

Reproduce iPhone tricky image processing

Hello everyone, First of all, I apologize if my english is poor. This is not my native language. Here is my issue : I have an iPhone application that allows user to play with a photo on a frame : translate, zoom, rotate. Once the user validates its changes, the values of translation X, translation Y ...
by Bertrand
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick's error codes
Replies: 4
Views: 16629

Re: ImageMagick's error codes

Some news. I searched for occurencies of those codes and I find them in two different file. Magick.c XSANY.any_i32 = 135 ; sv_setpv((SV*)cv, "$;@") ; cv = newXS("Image::Magick::StereoImage", XS_Image__Magick_Mogrify, file); ... XSANY.any_i32 = 137 ; sv_setpv((SV*)cv, "$;@") ; cv = newXS("Image ...
by Bertrand
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick's error codes
Replies: 4
Views: 16629

Re: ImageMagick's error codes

Hum, well that is strange. I have a php call that does : exec($call, $finfo, $retcode); where $call is an ImageMagick's command line. Here is what I have on my debug log : exec(/usr/local/bin/convert -set registry:temporary-path /tmp -limit memory 32mb -limit map 64mb [...etc] 2>&1), returned ...
by Bertrand
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick's error codes
Replies: 4
Views: 16629

ImageMagick's error codes

Hello everybody,

Is it possible to get the list of error codes of ImageMagick ?

If no, does anybody know when errors 135 and 137 are raised ?

Thank you by advance,