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- 2011-02-26T19:24:13-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8403
Thanks for the tip. Your comment allowed me to think through the situation and come up with a fix. FYI, IM does allow you to enter 0x300 and get an output. That is part of the confusion. It gave me a 300 pixel high band that was 1600 pixels wide using the command that you quoted. Try it if you like ...
- 2011-02-26T15:33:00-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8403
I have been using the crop function to extract sections for MJPEG video clips. It has worked very well for a couple of years and occasionally we change the crop box due to different needs. Up to now it is very simple. I just take one of the JPGs, bring it into PS and lay a pixel grid on top. Then ...
- 2011-02-17T16:16:30-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: stubborn composite null image issue
- Replies: 15
- Views: 26239
Re: stubborn composite null image issue
Fred, You rock! It is working. The filenames are created by a -scene command in order to process them in sequence to create an AVI file. So apparently the composite command doesn't like seeing that as evidenced by the wildcard you inserted. Back when I was at university studying engineering my ...
- 2011-02-17T16:00:17-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: stubborn composite null image issue
- Replies: 15
- Views: 26239
Re: stubborn composite null image issue
The folder with files can be accessed at
- 2011-02-17T14:37:05-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: stubborn composite null image issue
- Replies: 15
- Views: 26239
Re: stubborn composite null image issue
I tried your suggestions and a few others but still getting the null image error. I have a small RAR file with 10 jpgs, 1 PNG, and one line of script that I was going to attach to this for review. Please let me know how to send an attachment if possible.
I tried your suggestions and a few others but still getting the null image error. I have a small RAR file with 10 jpgs, 1 PNG, and one line of script that I was going to attach to this for review. Please let me know how to send an attachment if possible.
- 2011-02-16T20:00:08-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: stubborn composite null image issue
- Replies: 15
- Views: 26239
stubborn composite null image issue
Hi all, Have several video capture and near real time processing machines. IM is a big help due to its power and speed so that we can keep processing times as low as possible. On some images we need to overlay a mask so we use the composite function. I have it working fine on one system but now am ...
- 2009-10-14T13:03:20-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: sequential numbering works/doesn't work - will pay for help
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6571
Re: sequential numbering works/doesn't work - will pay for help
Thanks for the replies. OK, one issue at a time. Output of twice the number of files: In digging further, I was mistaken yesterday (end of day fog) and the operation that is outputting double the jpg's was a stupid mistake. We have a version of this script running on a different video server and we ...
- 2009-10-13T22:28:19-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: sequential numbering works/doesn't work - will pay for help
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6571
sequential numbering works/doesn't work - will pay for help
Following is the code which is in a bat file on Windows imconvert PA1_*.jpg +repage -scene 001 PA1_%%03d.jpg imconvert PA1_*.jpg null: D:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1\MASK_1.png -layers Composite D:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1\Mask\PA1_.jpg cd D:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1\Mask FORFILES -pD:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1\Mask -m ...
- 2009-10-12T19:59:31-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8386
Re: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
Will contact you by PM regarding promised payment to person who could fix it.
- 2009-10-12T19:54:25-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8386
Re: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
Got it working. You rock.
- 2009-10-12T17:36:27-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8386
Re: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
I am trying - latest run: D:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1>imconvert PA1_*.jpg -scene 001 %2 -composite %3\%%a D:\A xisFTPLocal\Preset1 D:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1 mask.png D:\AxisFTPLocal\Preset1\Mas k imconvert: unable to open image `%2': No such file or directory @ blob.c/OpenBlo b/2480. imconvert: unable to ...
- 2009-10-12T17:01:13-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
- Replies: 4
- Views: 8386
Masking a MJPEG - help us fix it and we will pay you
NOTE: I have read the instructions about posting here and I will follow it but my disclaimer is this - I am an engineer developing a very cool website. My camera guy set up some things with IM. We need to add one small feature of a mask to the script but he is no longer available. I am not a ...