Search found 31 matches

by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: montage: unable to read font `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1316.
Replies: 3
Views: 8247

Re: montage: unable to read font `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1316.

Trying to split the two issues. Default font issue Does montage work without error, if you add -font Arial or some other font? If not, then perhaps your freetype is flawed or outdated. If I specify a font that is available in convert -list font then it works without warning. (Arial is commonly not ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: montage: unable to read font `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1316.
Replies: 3
Views: 8247

montage: unable to read font `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1316.

Using montage triggers a warning or error: $ montage a.jpg b.jpg test.jpg montage: unable to read font `(null)' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1316. The image output seems fine but the command line output still seems strange. $ montage --version Version: ImageMagick 6.9.5-5 Q16 x86_64 2016-08-07 ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [invalid] OpenCL errors on Linux with -border
Replies: 1
Views: 2948

[invalid] OpenCL errors on Linux with -border

Hello, I'm getting what looks like OpenCL errors: $ convert -size 99x99 caption:"t" -border 1x1 t.png convert: clBuildProgram failed. (-11) @ warning/opencl.c/CompileOpenCLKernels/1097. convert: clCreateCommandQueue failed. (0) @ warning/opencl.c/InitOpenCLEnvInternal/1424. I only noticed the error ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)
Replies: 10
Views: 10496

Re: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)

Thanks, fmw42. As you suggested, I did the following: find /usr/share/fonts/ -type f \( -name "*.ttf" -or -name "*.otf" \) > fonts IFS=$'\r\n' content=($(cat fonts)) rm -r fonttestout mkdir fonttestout for ((idx = 0; idx < ${#content[@]}; idx+=1)); do font="${content[idx]}" name=`basename $font ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)
Replies: 10
Views: 10496

Re: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)

Thanks! Looks like my Linux installation uses Type1 by default (/usr/share/fonts/Type1/n019003l.pfb) convert -background black -fill white -size 200x50 -gravity center label:"Äker" -debug annotate label.png &> ok This command returns many lines. Not sure if this is significant. Makes the impression ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)
Replies: 10
Views: 10496

Re: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)

The character exists, I checked with convert -background black -fill white -size 100x100 -gravity center label:"Åker" check.png The \n method (inserting newline at beginning of each string) sounds good but might make space use very much less optimal. In my case, the ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)
Replies: 10
Views: 10496

Imagemagick caption/label decapitates Å (A-ring)

Hello, I'm trying to fill a certain area with variable text that will generate line breaks / word wrap. So I need captions. The variable text can contain all kinds of international names and titles. Unfortunately, for example in "Å", the circle gets cut off. convert -background black -fill white ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [solved] convert label with semi-transparent border has wrong background alpha value
Replies: 5
Views: 6604

[solved] convert label with semi-transparent border has wrong background alpha value

Hello, Running the following command should create an image with evenly red semi-transparent background color, right? convert -background '#ff0000aa' -fill white -pointsize 72 -bordercolor '#ff0000aa' -border 40x20 label:"TEST" test.png However, according to GIMP , the inner red has an alpha value ...
by qubodup
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to pdf 400 pages: WritePDFImage: Assertion `image->exception.reason != (const char *) ((void *)0)' failed.
Replies: 2
Views: 3605

Re: tif to pdf 400 pages: WritePDFImage: Assertion `image->exception.reason != (const char *) ((void *)0)' failed.

Suggestion, see if it happens if you use some other compression method. Also is there a smaller limited number of input files that work? Thank you for suggesting this! Trying around... Converting 404 (7GB in total) .tif files to .pdf with zip compression: convert -density 300 -limit memory 0 -limit ...
by qubodup
Forum: Users
Topic: Getting colorspace using identify
Replies: 7
Views: 29423

Re: Getting colorspace using identify

DemonDVA wrote:just use %[colorspace] (
To clarify, the command

Code: Select all

identify -format %[colorspace] test.jpg
can be used to get a string like for example 'sRGB' or 'Gray' with no newline ending.
by qubodup
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to pdf 400 pages: WritePDFImage: Assertion `image->exception.reason != (const char *) ((void *)0)' failed.
Replies: 2
Views: 3605

tif to pdf 400 pages: WritePDFImage: Assertion `image->exception.reason != (const char *) ((void *)0)' failed.

Hello, I get this error convert: coders/pdf.c:1814: WritePDFImage: Assertion `image->exception.reason != (const char *) ((void *)0)' failed. Aborted when I try to convert 400 tif files to a pdf via convert -limit memory 2gb -limit map 2gb -density 300 *tif -compress jpeg -quality 100 400.pdf on Arch ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [RESOLVED] Text rendering: label overflows
Replies: 33
Views: 36304

Re: Text rendering: label overflows

jdstruck wrote:6.8.5-6
As far as I followed this thread, 6.8.5-7 still had issues.
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [RESOLVED] Text rendering: label overflows
Replies: 33
Views: 36304

Re: Text rendering: label overflows

In IM6 r12270 on Arch Linux 64bit, the spacing seems to work for me. See below for an explanation why the font family is different. ./convert -size 200x20 label:T_T test.png --- ./convert -size 200x20 label:T____________________________________T testlong.png http://i ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [RESOLVED] Text rendering: label overflows
Replies: 33
Views: 36304

Re: Text rendering: label overflows

My netbook with Arch Linux 32 bit had im 6.8.4-6 2013-04-03 Q16, so I tested some code on it. convert -size 300x100 -gravity center label:"Test" label4.png --- convert -size 100x300 -gravity center label:"Test:" label5.png Then I upgraded ...
by qubodup
Forum: Bugs
Topic: [RESOLVED] Text rendering: label overflows
Replies: 33
Views: 36304

Re: Text rendering: label overflows

fmw42 wrote:You cannot best fit both dimensions, so one or the other will be used.
It seems to be impossible for me to convince you that I understand this?