Search found 9 matches

by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Using mogrify to strip rubbish from image files with loss
Replies: 1
Views: 2257

Using mogrify to strip rubbish from image files with loss

I'm looking to post-process files recovered from corrupt/damaged disks using photorec. One of the problems with its type of recovery is that it can't always detect the end of a file, and so (for example) an 500byte .gif file might be recovered as a 1.5GB file... If I run: mogrify recovered.gif ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Controlling opacity when overlaying an image
Replies: 3
Views: 15090

Re: Controlling opacity when overlaying an image

Have you tried -watermark :D I have but I've never got the hang of it. To combine both you will need to "pipe" the result of one to the other with something like ( this probably will not work as is ! ): convert input.jpg -resize 500x500 miff:- | composite -watermark 30% -gravity center watermark ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Controlling opacity when overlaying an image
Replies: 3
Views: 15090

Controlling opacity when overlaying an image

I'm trying to do something that feels like it should be fairly straightforward but I'm getting into a mess.... I need to take old.png, resize to 400x400, and overlay a watermark (wmark.png), to create new.png. This works: composite -gravity center "wmark.png" \( "old.png" -resize 400x400 \) "wmark ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating a thumbnail of specified resolution
Replies: 5
Views: 9716

Re: Creating a thumbnail of specified resolution

That's perfect, thanks! I had got pretty close but not quite there on my own. I'd say that for most purposes, convert image -resize "100x100^" -gravity center -crop 100x100+0+0 +repage result is the best general way to create a thumbnail, isn't it? (100x100 can be changed to whatever size wanted, of ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Quickest way to create a PNG from a PDF
Replies: 1
Views: 3711

Quickest way to create a PNG from a PDF

I have some print-quality PDFs that I need to convert to PNGs for display purposes. "identify" reports one of them, for example, as: test.pdf PDF 13824x2592 13824x2592+0+0 DirectClass 16-bit 102.516mb 3.870u 0:05 Using "convert" to resize this to a PNG takes a long time (around 20s): convert test ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating a thumbnail of specified resolution
Replies: 5
Views: 9716

Re: Creating a thumbnail of specified resolution

Almost perfect! (And a lot further than I got on my own, so huge thanks!) Is it possible to handle the generalised case where I don't know the original image size? Ie I don't know that 768 is the smaller of the two dimensions? For example, can I start by resizing so that the smallest dimension is ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Creating a thumbnail of specified resolution
Replies: 5
Views: 9716

Creating a thumbnail of specified resolution

I need to create the best quality thumbnail I can, of a given size, from an original image. For the sake of simplicity assume a square thumbnail although that won't always be the case. So let's say I want a 100x100 thumbnail from a 1024x768 image. What I want to do is crop the image to 768x768 (same ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Controlling the size of overlayed text
Replies: 3
Views: 7617

Re: Controlling the size of overlayed text

Label (and caption) look ideal, but I can't see how to composite the image and text (and possibly multiple text items) in a single step. Are there any examples of this? (I have looked through the examples and it is fantastic how many there are, but I couldn't see one that helped me get where I ...
by hollymcr
Forum: Users
Topic: Controlling the size of overlayed text
Replies: 3
Views: 7617

Controlling the size of overlayed text

I need to overlay some text over an image, and currently have this working: convert infile.png -font font.ttf -gravity south \ -stroke "#000C" -strokewidth 3 -pointsize 400 \ -annotate 0 "Welcome to my world" \ -resize 1024x768 outfile.png The original image is quite large (3400x1020) and using ...