Search found 28 matches

by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: DataWindow vs DisplayWindow in OpenEXR
Replies: 1
Views: 3760

DataWindow vs DisplayWindow in OpenEXR

Hello! OpenEXR has two different values describing the image size. 1. The DisplayWindow, which is the size of the displayed image. 2. The DataWindow, which may be bigger then the DisplayWindow and holds information not displayed by default. The later may often be the result of composed images of ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Developers
Topic: exr metadata is not copied over
Replies: 3
Views: 8463

Re: exr metadata is not copied over

This is a very old post, but what was the outcome of this?
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: Passing list to PythonMagick.Image.draw()
Replies: 2
Views: 6509

Re: Passing list to PythonMagick.Image.draw()

Please excuse my monolog here, but red face or not I ran into another problem.. At some point one would have to pass a list of arguments like the example below from DrawableText::DrawableText(double x, double y, const string& text_to ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: Passing list to PythonMagick.Image.draw()
Replies: 2
Views: 6509

Re: Passing list to PythonMagick.Image.draw()

With a red face I found out the problem.. I reread the Magick++ tutorial and noticed that I should set the fill, stroke and such in the Image instance.. This works: import PythonMagick as pm im = pm.Image('1920x1080', 'gray70') im.strokeColor(pm.Color(1600,0,0,0)) im.fillColor(pm.Color(0,0,0,65535 ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: Passing list to PythonMagick.Image.draw()
Replies: 2
Views: 6509

Passing list to PythonMagick.Image.draw()

Hello! I have successfully built and done some simple tests with PythonMagick-0.9.7, like reading and wrinting images. BUT... When I try to do a bit more complex stuff I run into problems. I want to draw a simple rectangle with transparent fill. Correct me if I'm wrong, but to do this I need to send ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr
Replies: 16
Views: 32955

Re: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr


Anyone got a chance to look at this?

by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: how to create a hald? -SOLVED
Replies: 3
Views: 7420

Re: how to create a hald? -SOLVED


Found out my problem.
For some reason modules was disabled in my configuration. Enabled it and it now works :)

by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: how to create a hald? -SOLVED
Replies: 3
Views: 7420

Re: how to create a hald?


It's looking for the config files in my home directory. We've configured/compiled 6.6.0-8 to a network location. Guess we've missed a flag of some kind. Could you please tell me what we need to add in out configure options?

by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: how to create a hald? -SOLVED
Replies: 3
Views: 7420

how to create a hald? -SOLVED

Hi! How do I create a hald image? I tried the folowing as mentioned in , but with no luck. convert hald:3 hald.png I get the following error message: convert: MissingAnImageFilename `hald.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941. Thanks ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr
Replies: 16
Views: 32955

Re: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr

Hi! I am no C++ programmer my self, but I can provide you with some source code that might help. Just to be safe and prevent a potential lawsuit I can give you a link so you can download nuke trial and look at the example code and headers. If you go into the archive you don't need to register. Just ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr
Replies: 16
Views: 32955

Re: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr

Yes, they visually look the same, but if you tweak the exposure the trees are clipped and have no detail. I did an "identify -verbose" on the two and there is a difference. As you can see, the IM one isn't float. nuke one: Image: nuke_lin.exr Format: EXR (High Dynamic-range (HDR)) Class: DirectClass ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr
Replies: 16
Views: 32955

Re: 10bit float log dpx to 16bit float lin exr

Hello! Here is a link to an example: *input.dpx is a log file. *nuke_lin.exr is an example of what I want to achieve. *output.exr is what I got. Area of interest are the trees next to the man in frame. In nuke after log/lin conversion of input ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: text on transparent background problem
Replies: 8
Views: 16344

Re: text on transparent background problem

Hey! I found out that if I used rgba(100%,100%,100%,75%) format it didn't work again. I had to use a float number for the alpha to get the proper alpha mask. in other words, this works: convert -size 1920x1080 xc:none -pointsize 29 -draw "fill 'rgba(100%,100%,100%,0.75)' gravity northWest text 20,20 ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: text on transparent background problem
Replies: 8
Views: 16344

Re: text on transparent background problem

That did the trick!! Thank you so much! I suspect there is something fishy with the tiff module in IM. We're also having trouble with speed using tif's on nfs mounts. Found out that we had to use the following code to match the speed working on a local file system -define tiff:rows-per-strip=8 (or ...
by danielHeen
Forum: Users
Topic: text on transparent background problem
Replies: 8
Views: 16344

Re: text on transparent background problem

Hey! I also get a good result using png, but when I create a tif it looks crumbled. What I'm doiing is using this as a part of a slate system and compose the tif over the images that need slating. When I use the png the result isn't as nice as with the tif. (On another version then 6.6.0-8, that is ...