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by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: only enlarge smaller don't work
Replies: 2
Views: 6907

Re: only enlarge smaller don't work

It works with

Code: Select all

 -resize 2180x3180^> 
Thank you very much!
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: only enlarge smaller don't work
Replies: 2
Views: 6907

only enlarge smaller don't work

when Im trying to use the only enlarge smaller option for the resize command
exactly like its shown in the example on

i receive following error message: invalid argument for option resize


I try it this way:

Code: Select all

-resize 2080x3108\>
Can anyone help me?
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Processing Subfolders
Replies: 8
Views: 27782

Re: Processing Subfolders

I know that but I can't find a solution there. The first example saves all output files into the root directory. All the other examples there are very complex, using multiple batch files. Isn't it possible to solve that problem with a single command? All I want to do is overwriting the existing ...
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Processing Subfolders
Replies: 8
Views: 27782

Processing Subfolders

I know there are a few topics about a similar problem but I wasn't able to find a solution in the replies. I want to process a folder including all subfolders. My (Batch)Script does that using the /R command but it saves all the results into the root directory. for /R %%f in (*.jpg) do ( convert ...
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Reading and Saving list of Images
Replies: 13
Views: 28694

Re: Reading and Saving list of Images

Ok everything works fine! The problem was an incorrect path.
Im sorry!
Thanks for your help!
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Reading and Saving list of Images
Replies: 13
Views: 28694

Re: Reading and Saving list of Images

It doesn't work with mogrify. Couldn't find something abaout "wildcards" in the documentation! IM can't write images using *.jpg I need to set a variable to save the actual filename and use it for writing the finished image. I think the "for" loop is the best option! But how can I tell IM to save ...
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Reading and Saving list of Images
Replies: 13
Views: 28694

Re: Reading and Saving list of Images

No idea how it schould work... Can you post a reduced code for "open all *.jpg in actual folder and save it as jpg with same names in folder /new" Or tell me where the folders have to be and how they have to be named so that your script works please. when i take the "%1\" at the filopen and the "%2 ...
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Reading and Saving list of Images
Replies: 13
Views: 28694

Re: Reading and Saving list of Images

trying a command in the cmd shell
If it works the command should be executed through a *.BAT file

the problem is that this command schould open a whole folder and save all files to another folder (keeping the filenames)
*.jpg names all saved files like the first one that was opened!
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Reading and Saving list of Images
Replies: 13
Views: 28694

Reading and Saving list of Images

Hi, I have two problems trying to read a list of images, then save this list after doing a level correction. My first problem: Is it normal, that ImageMagick can't read files with long filenames or special characters in the filename? My second problem: I can't find a way to save the list of files ...
by TSchlaier01
Forum: Users
Topic: Save multiple files keeping filenames
Replies: 3
Views: 9242

Save multiple files keeping filenames


I can't find a solution in the official documentation to convert a folder of images saving every single file with the same filename as before (maybe with a suffix).
convert *.jpg *.jpg doesn't work.

Thanks for your help!