Search found 5 matches

by smaines
Forum: Users
Topic: Colorize higher-resolution image with lower-resolution one
Replies: 1
Views: 3913

Colorize higher-resolution image with lower-resolution one

I have two images, both scans: one is of a higher resolution, the other is better colored. Both are level. Is it somehow possible to use the lower-resolution image as an indication to ImageMagick of how I would like the higher-resolution image colorized?

Thanks in advance,

by smaines
Forum: Users
Topic: Syntax Question
Replies: 5
Views: 9577

Re: Syntax Question

I've been away from my IM tinkering, and just remembered to check back to this thread. Thank you belatedly for your replies. It is good to learn that i was missing -clone n,n,n,n but not anything more fundamental. Thanks for the reality check, =) -SM P.S. Speaking of evolving the syntax, did anyone ...
by smaines
Forum: Users
Topic: Syntax Question
Replies: 5
Views: 9577

Syntax Question

So this solves my problem, albeit inelegantly, $ montage card.png card.png card.png card.png card.png card.png -mode concatenate -tile 2x3 card-montage.png does this, $ montage card.png +clone +clone +clone +clone +clone -mode concatenate -tile 2x3 card-montage.png ...but (in my quest for ...
by smaines
Forum: Users
Topic: Embarrassingly simple question :?
Replies: 10
Views: 19517

Re: Embarrassingly simple question :?

I've just returned to my computer. Thank you all for your replies, I so needed the sanity check! =D I have a few comments: snibgo, I understand what you're saying about a=b;b=a, (given the apparent, regretable implicit behavior of u), but then why doesn't this one work? $ convert blue_type.png blue ...
by smaines
Forum: Users
Topic: Embarrassingly simple question :?
Replies: 10
Views: 19517

Embarrassingly simple question :?

My ambition was brute simple: reverse the blue and green channels in an image. Gnome users may recognize its file name blue_type.png as a desktop background image. I tried several variations, none of which seemed correct. Also, these two inexplicably yielded different results, $ convert blue_type ...