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by michaelUFL
Forum: Users
Topic: split double-page spreads into single-page images
Replies: 4
Views: 12309

Re: split double-page spreads into single-page images

Thanks very much for advice on -flop and -crop.

The following worked well:

Code: Select all

[mth@localhost test1]$ convert twoPageSpread.jpg -crop 52x100% -delete 1 +repage leftPage.jpg
[mth@localhost test1]$ convert twoPageSpread.jpg -flop -crop 52x100% -flop -delete 1 +repage rightPage.jpg
by michaelUFL
Forum: Users
Topic: split double-page spreads into single-page images
Replies: 4
Views: 12309

split double-page spreads into single-page images

SUMMARY Q: What is the command that I would use to extract the right-side 52%x100% of an image? DETAIL I only use ImageMagick a couple of times a year, so I never get good at it. Current problem: splitting double-page "spread" images into single pages. I have received a number of pages from scanned ...
by michaelUFL
Forum: Digital Image Processing
Topic: simple auto-cropping of photos?
Replies: 12
Views: 52699

simple auto-cropping of photos?

I posted this to the IM mailing list, and was advised to post it here ... I need to crop a bunch of photos to square while creating thumbnails. I am currently using ImageMagick to crop the largest square from the center of the photo ... works fine. I am wondering if there are algorithms that could ...
by michaelUFL
Forum: PerlMagick
Topic: Initialize Image from string?
Replies: 4
Views: 21852

Re: Initialize Image from string?

I am looking to do the same thing ... read the image directly from a perl string instead of having to write it out to a file. I have tried the following unsuccessfully: open FH, '<', \$content; my $numRead = $magick->Read(file=>\*FH); I am wondering whether or not the issue is related to having to ...
by michaelUFL
Forum: Users
Topic: incorrect metadata in .jp2 files
Replies: 5
Views: 12875

incorrect metadata in .jp2 files

I have a large set of .jp2 files with incorrect metadata and I need to know the proper way to convert them to good/valid .jpg files 'identify -verbose' says: Format: JP2 (JPEG-2000 File Format Syntax) Class: DirectClass Geometry: 2912x4368+0+0 Resolution: 72x72 Print size: 40.4444x60.6667 Actually ...