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by crushaxe
Forum: Users
Topic: imdisplay crashed in Windows 7
Replies: 4
Views: 9519

Re: imdisplay crashed in Windows 7

I was in a rush initially and gave up and installed the x32 version. Haven't gone back to muck with it since then. Lost most of my interest when I found out that InDesign apparently flattens images when in converts them to .psd, so the whole point in getting to transform CMYK PSDs to rgb is moot now ...
by crushaxe
Forum: Users
Topic: imdisplay crashed in Windows 7
Replies: 4
Views: 9519

imdisplay crashed in Windows 7

convert and identify seem to work fine but, when I run imdisplay it crashes. Windows 7 Ultimate ImageMagick-6.6.3-9-Q8-windows-x64-dll (tried the 16-bit dll version as well with similar results) IMDisplay MFC Application has stopped working Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application ...