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by YayBjorn
Forum: Users
Topic: remap problem
Replies: 1
Views: 2534

remap problem

I'm trying to remap images to 12 predefined colours to create an index of how much of each colour is represented in each image. However I'm not happy with the way my command is currently remapping colours. An example will show my problem: I'm running the command like: convert input.jpg -colorspace ...
by YayBjorn
Forum: Users
Topic: Extract main colors from image
Replies: 7
Views: 20255

Re: Extract main colors from image

Here is another approach. Use -map (-remap) to transform your image into a limited set of colors via a color palette image that is the set of 12 or so colors that are the centers of your ranges. Then get the histogram of the transformed image which will contain only those 12 or so colors. IM -map ...
by YayBjorn
Forum: Users
Topic: Extract main colors from image
Replies: 7
Views: 20255

Re: Extract main colors from image

I will have a go with your script, but preferably I wan't to do this the most efficient way possible. Potensially I will have to do this do this to a huge amount of images (millions), and performance is of the essence. I don't like the idea of creating 12 masks and then counting the pixels in each ...
by YayBjorn
Forum: Users
Topic: Extract main colors from image
Replies: 7
Views: 20255

Extract main colors from image

Hi I need to extract colorinfomation from images. I know I can resize an image to a 1x1 pixel and get the "average-color" of the image, but this is not sufficient. Sometimes an image consist of too, three or more major colors, and the average does not tell me much. What I need is an algorithm where ...