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- 2011-01-15T16:31:53-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
- Replies: 27
- Views: 104328
Re: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
Heh, I had unsubscribed from the thread some time back since it seemed to have quieted down, little did I know :) I guess a lesson to Halle and the rest of us to avoid superlatives in our subject lines. Certainly not -- it's great to get so much information and since none of my previous attempts ...
- 2010-11-15T04:19:35-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
- Replies: 27
- Views: 104328
Re: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
Thanks again GreenKoopa and hello Nicolas and Anthony, really nice to get all of your input. I can answer all of these questions now that I've done my experiment: Q: Do you want to retain 'blocky' pixelated look, or a rounded dot look. A: Definitely rounded dot look with the least blurring possible ...
- 2010-11-14T05:32:06-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
- Replies: 27
- Views: 104328
Re: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
Hello, Thank you for the pointers and assistance. I've decided that the best way to go about this is to create a script that will produce many resize approaches for a single png so I can just run the image through and visually evaluate what did the best job. I've gone through the filter page and ...
- 2010-11-12T04:45:59-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
- Replies: 27
- Views: 104328
Best way to upscale pixel art exactly 200%
Hello, I was wondering if anyone could suggest the method that will give the best results visually for upscaling art with the following specs: 1. New art needs to be exactly 200% of the original size, 2. There is no time constraint for the processing time, 3. The art has an alpha channel, so the ...