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by richardg
Forum: Users
Topic: Basic fonts question
Replies: 6
Views: 11105

Re: Basic fonts question

No worries, I know nothing about ImageMagick so very grateful for the help you have given me. I have a lot more output from that command, but nothing about TTF. I'll keep digging around. I'm not even 100% sure if it's ImageMagick thats causing my problems to be honest, just trying to get to the root ...
by richardg
Forum: Users
Topic: Basic fonts question
Replies: 6
Views: 11105

Re: Basic fonts question

Hmm, I think it is installed. If I do 'whereis ghostscript' I get

Code: Select all

ghostscript: /etc/ghostscript /usr/share/ghostscript
by richardg
Forum: Users
Topic: Basic fonts question
Replies: 6
Views: 11105

Re: Basic fonts question

Ah, thanks for the quick reply. Those commands showed that I dont have any fonts registered to ImageMagick. I hadn't been supplying the full path to the ttf file as you do, but once I did supply it the warnings went. I still get these though: convert: delegate library support not built-in `/home ...
by richardg
Forum: Users
Topic: Basic fonts question
Replies: 6
Views: 11105

Basic fonts question

Hi, I'm using ImageMagick as part of "tovid menu" to create a DVD menu on SLES10.2. I'm getting all kinds of errors with tovid, so I'm trying to work out the cause, and the first warning I get is that ImageMagick can't find the Helvetica font. I just wanted to ask, is Helvetica included as part of ...