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by bobo
Forum: Users
Topic: Slow TIFF to PNG conversion
Replies: 16
Views: 38969

Re: Slow TIFF to PNG conversion

Thanks for reporting that. I have just noticed that even though the 6.6.5-10 png coder is as fast as before on small images, it still takes noticeably longer on large images. As an example, I process a 8834x4000 image with -distort srt 30 command on my C2D@3.33GHz machine. The CPU load goes up 100 ...
by bobo
Forum: Users
Topic: Slow TIFF to PNG conversion
Replies: 16
Views: 38969

Re: Slow TIFF to PNG conversion

I have more info to submit. The new png coder is not just slower than before, it also works incorrectly with -fft command, outputting only one image instead of two. Thus, a simple command like convert logo: -fft logo.png now takes significantly longer to process, and outputs only phase image - logo ...