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by Franzose
Forum: Users
Topic: Tune up Convert - resize large images
Replies: 2
Views: 5886

Re: Tune up Convert - resize large images

Is there a way to output the debug log directly via php

i tested it with following

Code: Select all

exec($command, $out, $retval); pa($out); pa($retval);
pa() is a function who writes a array formatted to the screen :)

I dont have access to any log-file.

With that i get only 0 (success ?) and 1 (failed ?)
by Franzose
Forum: Users
Topic: Tune up Convert - resize large images
Replies: 2
Views: 5886

Tune up Convert - resize large images

Hi, is there a way to tune up my command? $memory = 512mb - 1024mb $v_a->n_article_dpi = 100 - 300 source width = ~12598px source height = ~9449px $t_width = >< source width $t_height = >< source height $command = "convert -limit memory ".$memory."mb -compress None -geometry ".$t_width."x".$t_height ...
by Franzose
Forum: Users
Topic: Problem composite huge images
Replies: 2
Views: 4589

Re: Problem composite huge images

Thanks a lot. Now i can create images with >20 MB file size. And now a other question. It is possible to raise the execution time of this step? $trans_path = $globalvar['filepathEditorTemp'].$product_id.'_trans_'.$k_b.'.png'; $command = "convert -geometry ".$t_width."x".$t_height." -density ".$v_a ...
by Franzose
Forum: Users
Topic: Problem composite huge images
Replies: 2
Views: 4589

Problem composite huge images

Hey, its my first contact with imagemagick so i think this problem is my fault. Problem: I had to composite some huge images to one big one as a artwork master. If the source images are not to big. Everything works fine. But if they are to big (jpeg 12533x8333 ~7MB) imagemagick stops working with no ...