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by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Vector Text Output PDF
Replies: 1
Views: 2331

Vector Text Output PDF

Hello IM Forum. I know its not possible directly to output vectorized text pdf. I need to Output a pdf with Vectorized Text on a image background (Vector because of better Print quality). My questions: 1.Is it possible to convert background Images + Text, and get a vectorized pdf with IM ...
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

Hi, the last one is with System Font.
Sry posted first the Text with Url escaped caption text.

Can u check it again?

Thx for now! What a great help! I check for this another time.

by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

So this Code. In your three variants gives me the height of 96.
True Height: 48

Code: Select all

convert \( -background  none -pointsize 14  -size 181x -fill '#123456' -gravity North caption:'Du, Herr, umgibst mich mit deinem Schutz, du hörst mich in deinem Heiligtum.' \) png:- | convert - -format '%wx%h' info:
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

The result of your command is 13.

But other text with more digits is wrong. Also Tried different fonts. But this shouldnt matter.
If i check a rendered temp image -> right.
if i check on the fly-> wrong.
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

I just checked a longer text. convert \( -background none -pointsize 12 -font Fonts/font.ttf -size 100x -fill '#123456' -gravity North caption:'text' \) -verbose info: Wrong Height: 90 If i render it first: convert -background none -pointsize 80 -font Fonts/font.ttf -size 100x -fill '#123456 ...
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

OMG sry 6.5.7-8 is the right Version...

by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

Hex is no problem. The behavior of the caption is ok. I just want to check if the text is too large for the given Textbox. So i generate the Text -> Output as PNG. next check Text height, if too large -> notice. I found this thread with the same problem of PNG height: ...
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

Yes hex is ok. Its just a demo cmd string.

The Text is generated.
For example a 54 px high Text shows up: 100x90 +0+0
I checked in PS. Its always wrong.

My Goal is to check if the Text is too large for an given Textbox.

by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Re: Identify Temp Text

thx for this!
I get a result out.

But the geometry value, especially the height of the Png is wrong.
Whats wrong with this?

by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Identify Temp Text
Replies: 15
Views: 31417

Identify Temp Text

Hello Forum. Need Some help with this I want to get the format of generated Text: identify -background none -pointsize 12 -font Fonts/font.ttf -size 100x -fill '#12345' -gravity North caption:'text' PNG:- There is no Output. Image passthru (with convert) works fine. But no Information about the temp ...
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: compose positioning of Text
Replies: 5
Views: 11660

Re: compose positioning of Text

Thx for the Ideas!
Helped a lot.

by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: compose positioning of Text
Replies: 5
Views: 11660

Re: compose positioning of Text

Thx for your Ideas.
The examples were made with Photoshop :)

I search for a possibility to append the 70x70 box
on a canvas with a size for example 400x70.

But the append command put the boxes on the right of the canvas.

Is there a option to append the boxes on the canvas?

Thx again.
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: compose positioning of Text
Replies: 5
Views: 11660

compose positioning of Text

Hello IM Forum. I need some help again with the position of text. I have a fixed size canvas like 400x40. This is what i have at the moment: Text1 and Text2 are all positioned absolute from left. Code: convert -size 635x35 xc:yellow -background none -fill ...
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Text Rotate + Alpha
Replies: 5
Views: 13371

Re: Text Rotate + Alpha

Thx for your help.

To the Color Thing:
I can only work with Hex Codes.
Theres a way to convert it in php with an external function, but its too slow.

Is there no way to add a alpha value direct to the hex (#123456).
Or add one to the command line (-alpha 50%).

thx again.
by KandisZZ
Forum: Users
Topic: Text Rotate + Alpha
Replies: 5
Views: 13371

Text Rotate + Alpha

Hello Forum. Im searching for hours, with no good results. Two Questions: convert -background none -gravity $align -font Fonts/$font -pointsize $arg[3] -size $arg[0]x$arg[1] -fill '#$arg[4]' -rotate $arg[8] caption:'$text' PNG:- 1. Text Rotating I want to rotate the text on its own position. If I ...