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by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: warp image onto another image
Replies: 8
Views: 18962

Re: warp image onto another image

Sorry but the link in your post is broken. I don't really understand what you meant. Could you please explain it a bit detailed? Thanks.
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: warp image onto another image
Replies: 8
Views: 18962

Re: warp image onto another image

Thanks. How do I get two-dimensional displacement maps? I can only think of using grayscale shirt for simple displacement. What are the ways to get appropriate 2d displacement maps?
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: warp image onto another image
Replies: 8
Views: 18962

Re: warp image onto another image

Thanks I have read that thread before. There are a few problems with that approach. Simple displace only works when the shirt is almost facing straight front. When the shirt is rotated away from front, perspective must be added to the picture so the image on the shirt have a perspective to it ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: warp image onto another image
Replies: 8
Views: 18962

warp image onto another image

Basically the goal is to put an arbitrary image onto a picture of a t-shirt, so that it looks as if the image is printed on the shirt. See below for an example. An example result: What I'm doing now, is first using ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: using stream to send raw image to browser
Replies: 0
Views: 4727

using stream to send raw image to browser

I was trying to use "stream" program to dynamically load a portion of a large image and send it back to browser for display. I thought I could do this by passing the stream output to client browser without saving temp files etc. (using passthru() in php and send data via XMLHttpRequest to client ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: complex color conversion problem
Replies: 24
Views: 68202

Re: complex color conversion problem

Thanks so much for all the help. Huemap is a nice script, the only problem is that the exact range of hue is hard to determine in my case, and I also do not want to change some other areas of "pink". Thus I still used a mask and went with desaturate and use clut to recolor. Once I figured out how to ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: complex color conversion problem
Replies: 24
Views: 68202

Re: complex color conversion problem

I think CLUT is a good way to replace colors. However, I understand how to change perfect gray to the color I want, but how do I make the original color into the "perfect gray"? Can clut be used on original image directly (not grayscaled)? I'm reading Fred's huemap, is that just want I wanted? What ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: complex color conversion problem
Replies: 24
Views: 68202

Re: complex color conversion problem

Sorry I must be missing something. Value 100 means there is no change, right? So what do you mean by "change of 100" only rotate hue 180 degrees? Wouldn't that be a different color?
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: complex color conversion problem
Replies: 24
Views: 68202

Re: complex color conversion problem

Thanks for all the help. Can u please help me understand more of "-modulate" operator? How are the values used/determined? Suppose I want to change a source color HSL(H:0.98,S:0.61,L:0.93) to another color HSL(1.01,0.85,0.20), what is the multiplication value for each channel?
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: complex color conversion problem
Replies: 24
Views: 68202

Re: complex color conversion problem

Thanks very much for the replies! This indeed looks very close. So my question is, if the shirt was blue or green, would I still need to use HSL channel for separation or can I just extract the blue/green directly since the color is different from skin? Also, for adjusting colors, what I have done ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: complex color conversion problem
Replies: 24
Views: 68202

complex color conversion problem

I have some image with an area of certain color that I want to change to another specific color (specified in rgb color). However, the picture contains more colors and shades. See the picture of the girl in a t-shirt: I want to change the ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: Can imagemagick do photoshop-like blend-if effect?
Replies: 7
Views: 18110

Re: Can imagemagick do photoshop-like blend-if effect?

Thanks for the input. I believe PS does this by controlling pixels with certain color/shade on different layers/images. Look at the following sentence (I quoted from the other site): "Moving the black and white sliders for the bar on top will cause areas of the currently selected layer to disappear ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: Can imagemagick do photoshop-like blend-if effect?
Replies: 7
Views: 18110

Re: Can imagemagick do photoshop-like blend-if effect?

Thanks for the reply. However, I think it's more of a regulated distortion of the text, not some random noise. Note how the background image has different shades and colors. These would affect how the text is blended. I'm not too sure exactly what PS is doing underneath, but it seems it's converting ...
by sssddd
Forum: Users
Topic: Can imagemagick do photoshop-like blend-if effect?
Replies: 7
Views: 18110

Can imagemagick do photoshop-like blend-if effect?

See this for the effect that I would like to achieve using imagemagick: From what I understand, basically photoshop does it by blending colors of the two images on regions where they overlap, and it can specify the colors in each image that ...