I'll have to try that on my Mac when I get home. With the latest available version (6.6.9-7) I still see the artifacts in both 32 and 64bit versions for windows no matter whether I convert to png, jpg or tiff. The RGB channels are however unaffected by these artifacts. edit: Just built from svn on ...
I am using this DDS, http://guslin.com/ac4_tex_ngs.dds I am running the following commands to extract and rearrange the color channels: convert ac4_tex_ngs.dds -channel ag -separate temp_ngs.png convert temp_ngs-0.png temp_ngs-1.png -channel gr -combine normal_map.png It's only the alpha channel ...
Bumping this since it still doesn't seem to work with IM-6.6.8-5 for windows. I haven't got access to any other OS to try this out atm. I am looking to extract the alpha layer of a DDS and get a really jaggedy image like this: http://guslin.com/temp_ngs-0.png If I do the alpha decomposing in GIMP ...