Search found 49 matches

by Marcel71
Forum: Bugs
Topic: -draw DstIn
Replies: 2
Views: 91922

Re: -draw DstIn

Never Mind above, I got a work-around in IM 7 I think :)
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Text stroke cut off
Replies: 4
Views: 36159

Re: Text stroke cut off

Hi magick, The fix is good when the text is aligned West, but when the text is aligned Center or East is does not work properly: convert -background none -fill "#ffff00" -gravity Center -font Arial-Bold -pointsize 60 -interline-spacing 0 -stroke "#ffff00" -strokewidth 32 label:"Fred\nis\ngood ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Bugs
Topic: -draw DstIn
Replies: 2
Views: 91922

-draw DstIn

Hi Guys, Could you confirm if this is a bug or not? I am trying to cut out a piece of text from an animated gif. In IM6 this was giving a different result then in IM7 Input image: Command (In IM7 i put 'magick' before the convert ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Text stroke cut off
Replies: 4
Views: 36159

Re: Text stroke cut off

Hi Magick, Thanks for the fix. In the meantime I came up with the following command to let it work on the current version :) (First make a empty canvas with the size of the text and then annotote with a displacement of half of the strokewidth) magick convert -background none -gravity center -density ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Text stroke cut off
Replies: 4
Views: 36159

Text stroke cut off

Hi, In an old IM version (6) this was working properly, however with 7 the stroke gets cut of at the top and left side of the image and I get a smutchy edge. Does anybody know how to do this correct in IM7 (without changing the label text by adding extra spaces or \n)? convert -background none -fill ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Mask create grey image
Replies: 1
Views: 8279

Mask create grey image

Hi, When I do the following command, my original image turns gray and it leaves a small gray border around the heart. Anybody know how to make a different command so it will work? magick heart.png -resize 296x261! -channel RGBA -blur 0x0 -draw "image Out -135,-6 584,443 'kitty.png' " -trim +repage ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: -alpha shape
Replies: 3
Views: 16801

Re: -alpha shape

Thanks for the reply. When i do the same thing with text, i get a scrambled result: In IM6 convert -background none -font Arial -pointsize 140 -strokewidth 14 -stroke black -fill none label:LEGEND -fill black -stroke none label:LEGEND -compose DstIn -composite -alpha extract -blur 1 -background "red ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: -alpha shape
Replies: 3
Views: 16801

-alpha shape

Hi All, When i follow the instructions on the following page to create a red heart, in IM 6 it works, but in IM7 it fails: IM6 convert -font WebDings -pointsize 24 label:Y +trim +repage -negate heart_mask.gif convert heart_mask.gif -background ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Bugs
Topic: -draw "matte 1,1 floodfill"
Replies: 4
Views: 14503

Re: -draw "matte 1,1 floodfill"

Thanks, that worked indeed :)

Will you have an examples site like: for version 7?
I always found that one very usefull throughtout the years. :)

by Marcel71
Forum: Bugs
Topic: -draw "matte 1,1 floodfill"
Replies: 4
Views: 14503

-draw "matte 1,1 floodfill"

Hi guys, I am using version 7.0.8-37 on Ubuntu. When i use the following command an error occurs: convert rose: -fill none -draw "matte 1,1 floodfill" out.png It is a code example from: The error i get is: convert: non-conforming drawing primitive ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Resize animated gif to certain filesize
Replies: 2
Views: 8263

Re: Resize animated gif to certain filesize

Okay, after some research (and looked at Fred's scripts) i see it can only be done with trial and error. :(
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Resize animated gif to certain filesize
Replies: 2
Views: 8263

Resize animated gif to certain filesize

Hi All,

I found that you can resize a jpg file to a maximum file size by:

Code: Select all

convert image -define jpeg:extent=512kb newimage.jpg
Is there also such a function for animated gifs?
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: -coalesce bug?
Replies: 1
Views: 7582

Re: -coalesce bug?


I found a work-around. But if it could be fixed, it would be better :)

Code: Select all

convert base.gif -background none -coalesce out.gif
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: -coalesce bug?
Replies: 1
Views: 7582

-coalesce bug?

Hi IM Team, I am running: Version: ImageMagick 6.8.5-5 2013-05-07 Q16 Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC Features: DPC OpenMP Delegates: bzlib fontconfig freetype jng jp2 jpeg lcms lzma pango png ps tiff x xml zlib I use the following image: http ...
by Marcel71
Forum: Users
Topic: Unable to read font Arial-Bold
Replies: 5
Views: 15894

Re: Unable to read font Arial-Bold

Hi, I found out the paths used with: <?php $cmd="convert -debug Configure -background none -density 72 -fill red -font Arial-Bold -pointsize 30 label:ImageMagick /var/www/out1.png 2>&1"; system($cmd,$output); var_dump($output); ?> Thanks for the replies. Regards, Marcel