Search found 4 matches

by venkatsiddareddy
Forum: Users
Topic: Using a 3D LUT
Replies: 3
Views: 10117

Re: Using a 3D LUT

Hi, thanks for your reply. I successfully used hald clut to convert my image using your suggestion. However if use convert test.dpx hald.png -hald-clut converted.dpx the image is completely wrong. but if use convert test.dpx hald.png -hald-clut -depth 16 converted.tiff I get the desired output. I ...
by venkatsiddareddy
Forum: Users
Topic: Using a 3D LUT
Replies: 3
Views: 10117

Using a 3D LUT

Hi, I have a look up table in .3dl format. Currently I am using after effects or some other tool to apply the look up table. However the process is very slow. I am planning to use IM to convert my images using the same look up table. I have tried using the Hald Clut but I am very new to IM and could ...
by venkatsiddareddy
Forum: Users
Topic: DPX Log to Linear
Replies: 2
Views: 6142

Re: DPX Log to Linear


Can anybody guide me in this process please.
by venkatsiddareddy
Forum: Users
Topic: DPX Log to Linear
Replies: 2
Views: 6142

DPX Log to Linear

Hi, I am looking for a solution to convert some DPX files which are in log format in to linear format. I am using a look up table plugin in after effects. But I am not satisfied with the results. I also tried the cineon effect in AE but the colors are completely different than the actual film print ...