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by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

I wish the tool that overlays image on video supports GIF or PNG, it only supports 32 bit depth bitmap images.

But when i create image with GIMP tool and use Fuzzy tool to select and add mask layer, background of image is transparent when we overlay the same image.
by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

Thank you Fred.

To overlay image on video we are using another product, all we need is to provide bitmap image to that product. So when I try to create bitmap image with some text by default background color is getting preserved when overlaid on the video.

by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

I exactly want to create an image 32 bit depth bitmap image which has transparent background and some name on it. when we overlay the same image on video it should only display name what ever we write on the image, except that it should not display background of the text. Please share if this can be ...
by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

Thank you Fred!! with the example you have given i was able to see the transparent background of first image. But what i exactly need is to have complete transparent background and only text displayed. In provided example case we were able to the logo at the background of the text, but there i want ...
by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

Hi Fred, I was able to generate the transparent background bitmap image using GIMP, when i placed it over another image or video background is completely transparent. Please find the characteristics of the image: Image: 123456789.bmp Format: BMP (Microsoft Windows bitmap image) Class: DirectClass ...
by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

When i open it with Image Magick Display it is showing transparent background but when i try to place it on some other image or video it is still showing the black color background. Any Ideas why so??

Thanks a lot
by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Re: Create BMP image with transparent background

Thank you for reply Fred!!! I am working on Windows XP OS and using IM version 6.6 for windows. I have used the shade already sorry to not to mention values in my post. It shades the background image right?? But my text is not appearing in the expected color when we use shade it always give a ...
by rakeshkumar.nampally
Forum: Users
Topic: Create BMP image with transparent background
Replies: 15
Views: 34607

Create BMP image with transparent background

Hi All, I am new bie to Image Magick, trying to create bitmap image with transparent background using Image Magick command line tools. Command: convert.exe -size 500x500 -background none -font Verdana -fill white -gravity center caption:"Some text here" -shade font.bmp Using above command by default ...