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by imitschmätschik
Forum: Users
Topic: ground shadow - motion blur - very slow...
Replies: 4
Views: 8335

Re: ground shadow - motion blur - very slow...

fred, anthony, thank you for your answers. in fact i have read the example sections you mentioned before, but i think the problem is, that all examples rely on objects with zero depth. Of course i can try to draw the shadow by hand, fill it and blur it with an (oval shaped) gradient / but that will ...
by imitschmätschik
Forum: Users
Topic: ground shadow - motion blur - very slow...
Replies: 4
Views: 8335

ground shadow - motion blur - very slow...

i might have missed something - but it seems that the only way to get a good realistic wall ground shadow for an rectngular object like a frame is: convert -size 1000x1416 xc:none -fill black -stroke black -draw "roundrectangle 0,0 999,1415 83,83" -draw "rectangle 0,0 999,166" -draw "rectangle 834,0 ...