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by IMWal
Forum: Users
Topic: Support for PDF/A output
Replies: 11
Views: 33803

Re: Support for PDF/A output

There is no free or open source PDF/A validator as far as I know. However there are some online demos of commercial products, these two are good ones : - - This one works by ...
by IMWal
Forum: Users
Topic: Support for PDF/A output
Replies: 11
Views: 33803

Re: Support for PDF/A output

Okay, I realized I wasn't using the right command. After using "mogrify -format pdfa" instead of convert, I got announced PDF/A generated by IM without Ghostcript calls (PDF writing is coded in pdf.c). But as the old post said, the generated PDF/A is not correct. It's PDF 1.6 whereas PDF/A is by ...
by IMWal
Forum: Users
Topic: Support for PDF/A output
Replies: 11
Views: 33803

Support for PDF/A output

Hello, I'm trying to output PDF/A files from JPEG or TIFF images with ImageMagickObject. I'm using ImageMagick-6.6.9-9-Q16-windows-dll, and I have not found any documentation on this feature in this version of ImageMagick. Is it implemented on the current version, and if so, how can compliance be ...