imagemagick recompiled without threads and without openmp and its working fine now ...just it takes over hour and half to install all required packages
I've managed to get running mysql in 64bit, but now it looks like there is some problem with threads and magick ;-( if i run your testing script in the main procedure it will run fine, but if i put it where i need it - in procedure which is created as a separate thread then i've got segmentation ...
i dont think the problem will be sorted by adding using namespace std; using namespace Magick; ...i've tried that as well with the same error because im specified namespace in initialization Magick::Image iMg(); i think the problem is that the binary distribution is 64bit and i'm using -m32 for ...
i'm trying to add magick++ to my c++ project, i've install it following the steps on ( - i have mac - there is one small bug - after decompress it is in "ImageMagick-6.6.9" folder instead of "ImageMagick-6.7.0" which is in instructions - but ...