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by jmil
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick command line
Replies: 2
Views: 6862

Re: ImageMagick command line

use double quotes or use re.escape() with python

if you post details of your code it would be easier to help
by jmil
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help: Convert crashes every 1000 images or so
Replies: 2
Views: 6189

Re: Please help: Convert crashes every 1000 images or so

i don't know how to do that, any tips? the thing is, it is taking one image and making 32 images from that. So the source file is not corrupt, because invariably 31 other images are processed fine. Also, it is completely random, sometimes it is the first image, sometimes the 14th image, etc. And it ...
by jmil
Forum: Users
Topic: Please help: Convert crashes every 1000 images or so
Replies: 2
Views: 6189

Please help: Convert crashes every 1000 images or so

Hi, I have a python script that is processing 6,240 14-bit TIFs, each one has to be made into 32 new images (8-bit exposure ranges), which are later enfused with Enfuse (also via command line). Unfortunately, ImageMagick "convert" command crashes every 500-1000 images or so, it just freezes the ...