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by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Embedding Quotation Marks in IPTC
Replies: 2
Views: 5808

Re: Embedding Quotation Marks in IPTC

Problem solved. I'll include the following for other's reference.

" will create quotation marks in the iptc data

Or, if you're using PHP and need all characters that may cause issues replaced, look into using the htmlentities command.
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Embedding Quotation Marks in IPTC
Replies: 2
Views: 5808

Embedding Quotation Marks in IPTC

Is there a way to embed quotation marks in the IPTC data of a TIFF image? I've been using the following command in a script convert $image +profile 8bim +comment -profile 8BIMTEXT:$iptc $image along with a text file of the following format 8BIM#1028="IPTC" 2#0="�" 2#120#Caption="Caption" 2 ...
by arcking
Forum: MagickWand for PHP
Topic: IPTC w/o External File
Replies: 0
Views: 25715

IPTC w/o External File

I'm looking to add IPTC information to a large number of TIFF files using a PHP script, pulling the IPTC information from a MySQL database - is there anyway to do this WITHOUT having to reference an external file? While creating the external file containing the IPTC information is entirely possible ...
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Optimizing Bash Script
Replies: 8
Views: 16594

Re: Optimizing Bash Script

fmw42 wrote:convert \( $name -thumbnail "1000x1000" \) /home/web01/watermark.png -gravity center \
-compose modulate -define compose:args=50,100 -composite $ndir/$name
That runs, but doesn't preserve the transparency in the watermark. Also, pardon my bash ignorance, but why the escape characters?
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Optimizing Bash Script
Replies: 8
Views: 16594

Re: Optimizing Bash Script

Thanks for the input. I ditched the backquotes, and switched to -thumbnail instead of -resize which seems to be faster. Is there a downside to that? I'm having trouble figuring out how to combine the covert and composite commands however. I tried this, but it doesn't work: convert $name -thumbnail ...
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Optimizing Bash Script
Replies: 8
Views: 16594

Optimizing Bash Script

Is there anyway to optimize this script to be more efficient/faster? Each image takes .45s to 1s to process... I was hoping it would be a bit faster. (3Ghz, 16 core, 32GB of RAM) Thanks for any advice! #/bin/bash echo -n "Enter original directory > " echo -n read odir echo -n "Enter new directory ...
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Upsizing Undersized Images
Replies: 7
Views: 14958

Re: Upsizing Undersized Images

Thanks for your help! Got a Windows batch script working great - for reference, the meat of the file is posted below: SET minsize=2925 SET newsize=3000 SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR %%A in (*.jpg) DO ( ECHO %%A FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('convert %%A -ping -format %%w info:') Do ( SET ...
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Upsizing Undersized Images
Replies: 7
Views: 14958

Re: Upsizing Undersized Images

With your command line, IM will not resize them but will decompress and recompress the jpgs. I don't know any way to avoid IM processing even to read and write it again, except to write a script to compute the image sizes or what not and skip processing them altogether. But perhaps one of the IM ...
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Upsizing Undersized Images
Replies: 7
Views: 14958

Re: Upsizing Undersized Images

see note about -quality for jpg images at Your images are probably getting decompressed and then recompressed if you are resaving them as jpg, so you lose quality. Also the quality may not be ...
by arcking
Forum: Users
Topic: Upsizing Undersized Images
Replies: 7
Views: 14958

Upsizing Undersized Images

Ideally, I'm looking for a way to upsize small images in a folder while leaving images that are larger alone. Here's what I've come up with (batch file): %~d1 CD "%~p1" MD upsized FOR %%a in (*.jpg) DO ( convert %%a -resize "2400^<" upsized\%%a ) PAUSE It successfully upsizes all of the small images ...