Search found 7 matches

by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Crop, Floodfill, Fuzz, Duplicate, Flip, Resize & Contrast!
Replies: 2
Views: 4494

Crop, Floodfill, Fuzz, Duplicate, Flip, Resize & Contrast!

Hi Guys, Back again for some help with IM! Wondered if anyone can help? I want to take an image, Floodfill the background to be transparent with a fuzz, duplicate that image, flip it and reduce the size by a % and insert behind the main image either at the top left or top right. I then want to apply ...
by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)
Replies: 11
Views: 17017

Re: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeou

ok well thanks for your help anyway. :)
by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)
Replies: 11
Views: 17017

Re: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeou

hi, the same thing again. 100% cpu and no result.
by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)
Replies: 11
Views: 17017

Re: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeou


its just doing the same thing, sitting at 100% cpu and not doing anything. ?
by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)
Replies: 11
Views: 17017

Re: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeou


it completely crashed my system and I have to reboot via KVM.

If I add a "-limit thread 1" to the command i can see it takes up 100% of one of my cpus and stays there forever.
by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)
Replies: 11
Views: 17017

Re: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeou

Hi fmw42,

Yeah I thought about that, but it turns out that although the dimensions are 0x0, the file size is still > 100k. I think the only reason the dimensions are 0x0 is because the operating system cant actually read/view it?

Any other ideas?


by mikemeadeuk
Forum: Users
Topic: Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)
Replies: 11
Views: 17017

Mogrify on corrupt images crashing server (doesnt timeout)

Hi Guys, I have a little problem. I am using mogrify to trim whitespace from images within a directory in a recursive manner using the unix find command. However, i have a few corrupt images and mogrify plods along nicely until it hits one of these corrupt images. Then it just hangs and eventually ...