Search found 4 matches

by pete
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: [SOLVED] PingBlob memory leak?
Replies: 2
Views: 15965

Re: PingBlob memory leak?

If i replace PingBlob by BlobToImage, memory usage increase too. I forgot, checked with: ImageMagick-6.7.3-7 and 6.6.0-4 And... SOLVED! I, think... do { Image* next = img->next; DestroyImage(img); img = next; } while (img != NULL);
by pete
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: [SOLVED] PingBlob memory leak?
Replies: 2
Views: 15965

[SOLVED] PingBlob memory leak?

I wrote simple code, it's do simple work, call PingBlob in infinite loop. I think all resources are freed correctly but i see increasing memory usage. Checked on two machines. Maybe i doing something wrong - problem apears only with animated gifs. Compilation: gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g -I /usr ...
by pete
Forum: Users
Topic: Can't limit the resouse used by IM
Replies: 4
Views: 10363

Re: Can't limit the resouse used by IM

If i read "error.gif", with "disk" limit 512MiB, GetImagePixelCache() returns NULL too, but whole function MagickReadImageBlob() returns:
425, "CorruptImage `' @ error/gif.c/ReadGIFImage/1331"
by pete
Forum: Users
Topic: Can't limit the resouse used by IM
Replies: 4
Views: 10363

Re: Can't limit the resouse used by IM

I have a similar problem. In file "magick/cache.c" ~ 4405 line: cache_info=(CacheInfo *) GetImagePixelCache(image,MagickTrue,exception); assert(cache_info->signature == MagickSignature); if (cache_info == (Cache) NULL) return((PixelPacket *) NULL); So, application crash, when GetImagePixelCache ...