Search found 13 matches

by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Heavy multi-commands script works, can i improve it?
Replies: 3
Views: 3045

Re: Heavy multi-commands script works, can i improve it?

Thanks, but it seems slower than before
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Heavy multi-commands script works, can i improve it?
Replies: 3
Views: 3045

Re: Heavy multi-commands script works, can i improve it?

Hi all,

any advice?

by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Heavy multi-commands script works, can i improve it?
Replies: 3
Views: 3045

Heavy multi-commands script works, can i improve it?

Hi all, based on Fred's 3dbox script i've created a commands sequence to create a 3dbox starting from a pdf. Steps Are: 1) cut off front - side - top 2) distort and merde those files 3) add a drop shadow 4) save a full size png and a smallest one All is working fine but i'm sure there's a lot of ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?
Replies: 9
Views: 14627

Re: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?

Really really thanks for all of these helpful tips :)
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?
Replies: 9
Views: 14627

Re: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?

ok, these are my steps: starting from this image for example (imageshack upload remove my alpha channel but you consider it) i need to find the edge's pixels coordinates so: convert $im_in -resize "$weight_dpi"x"$height_dpi" \ #I RESIZE ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?
Replies: 9
Views: 14627

Re: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?

Thank's, just another little question: i use "-alpha extract -edge 1" (tried also higher edge values) to create the black and white png to use to extact pixel coordinates and all is working fine expect in a case. If i've a circle selection, edges ar cutted out on borders, like in the example http ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?
Replies: 9
Views: 14627

Re: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?

what is your exact command using grep and sed, etc.? You might be able to convert much of that into using AWK, which may be faster. Thank's for answer, i use convert $f txt: | sed 's/ *,/,/g' | grep "white" | cut -d: -f1 to extract white pixels coordinates. There's no way to tell to IM txt output ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?
Replies: 9
Views: 14627

Need to map pixels: how to speed up txt: output ?

Hi all i need to create an edges pixel map using some BIG images and the txt: output takes a lot of time to write the file. What i'm doing now is to convert the image with convert in.png -alpha extract -edge 1 out.png and then convert out.png txt: | ... with the varius grep and sed arguments to ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency ?
Replies: 8
Views: 18204

Re: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency

It looks fine in my viewers. See my comments about Adobe PS and other viewer handling of background and alpha transparencies. Adobe viewers do not show alpha channel transparency in the display, only background transparency. Your image has only alpha channel transparency. Choose channels to see ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency ?
Replies: 8
Views: 18204

Re: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency

did you try my suggestion of: convert test.tif -colorspace gray test2.tif or convert test.tif -channel rgba -alpha on -colorspace gray test3.tif which both worked for me. How are you viewing it? If in PS, your image does not have background transparency, so you won't see the transparency as it is ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency ?
Replies: 8
Views: 18204

Re: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency

this works for me fine on IM Q16 Mac OSX Tiger. In this case your image has no background transparency but has an alpha channel, which IM finds. convert test.tif -colorspace gray test2.tif identify -verbose test2.tif Image: test2.tif Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) Class ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency ?
Replies: 8
Views: 18204

Re: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency

what was your exact command(s) that you tried? can you post a link to an example image that has this problem? that way others can test it or see if there is a problem with the file -- or at least confirm your problem. The problem may be that TIFFs support two kinds of transparency, background and ...
by homer314
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency ?
Replies: 8
Views: 18204

Convert TIFF to gray scale while preserving transparency ?

Hi, i'm trying to convert colored tiffs images with transp. backgrounds to graysscale tiffs preserving their alpha channel (background). I tried lots of combinations (IM 6.7.0-9 compiled from source with standard config) found in this forum but i get allways white background instated of transparent ...