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by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different backg
Replies: 10
Views: 18577

Re: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different b

I've been using this script for a while now, its fantastic! Thanks for it! I only have a little question, what is that how to resample the given images to a smaller resolution, _after_ the alpha processing has taken effect? Is this the correct line? convert.exe x_black0001.png x_white0001.png -alpha ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: opacity + rotation control for specific layers
Replies: 7
Views: 13987

Re: opacity + rotation control for specific layers

Going back to the original problem... You mentioned animations but your example uses PNG images whcih are by defintion single images, not animations. Are these images ment to be individual frames? If you animations are small enough to be handled completely in memory you can flatten the multiple ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: opacity + rotation control for specific layers
Replies: 7
Views: 13987

Re: opacity + rotation control for specific layers

convert a.png \( b.png -opacity 50 \) c.png d.png -background transparent -flatten out.png is there such a command? 3. Are you sure that "set" operation is presaving the alpha information? For me it seems from the documentation that it sets a solid color (or grey value) for all the layer ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: opacity + rotation control for specific layers
Replies: 7
Views: 13987

Re: opacity + rotation control for specific layers

To change a layer's opacity convert a.png[3] -channel a -evaluate set 50% +channel result_layer3.png that will make the 4th layer of a.png 50% transparent. (Layers in IM start with 0, nominally) Thanks, the first example is clear, but this one confuses me. 1. What is a.png[3]? Is it an image ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: opacity + rotation control for specific layers
Replies: 7
Views: 13987

opacity + rotation control for specific layers

I would like to -flatten multiple animations into a single animation, using image sequences. I've written a code which does the merging, however at the moment it is only doing basic operations. At the moment this is all the code (of course with the specific image names from the sequence): convert a ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: merging 200 images into a single file
Replies: 1
Views: 2978

merging 200 images into a single file

I would like to run a long long command for merging 200 images into a single file. The command I am using at the moment is: convert a.png b.png c.png d.png .... .... .... -background transparent -flatten out.png The problem I am encountering now is that the command cannot be more than 8192 character ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different backg
Replies: 10
Views: 18577

Re: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different b

Thank you all, this script works wonderfully! My only problem so far is that when there is no object on the image (it happens in an animation), then the result PNG image (100% transparent blank image) does not open up in some application. When I open it in Photoshop, instead of being 100 ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different backg
Replies: 10
Views: 18577

Re: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different b

Thanks for the great replies! My case is quite lucky, as I have computer generated images, which means that the background is 100% solid color, and there are no real world relfections or anything whatsoever. I think its best if I share an example image pair, as it explains things better than I could ...
by zsero
Forum: Users
Topic: getting alpha by subtracting two images with different backg
Replies: 10
Views: 18577

getting alpha by subtracting two images with different backg

I am using a program what can render color images but only without alpha information. I would like to get alpha information from those images by using two and subtracting them. I can set the background to different colors. My idea is that if I render an image with black background and an other one ...