That's brilliant, thanks so much! Love your web site too: there's some really useful examples on there.
Thanks again!
Search found 4 matches
- 2011-11-20T03:31:47-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: How do I 'tile' an image like this?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7169
- 2011-11-18T02:53:44-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: How do I 'tile' an image like this?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7169
How do I 'tile' an image like this?
Hi all. I'm new to using ImageMagick, looking for some syntax advice. I have an image that I'd like to tile into a larger image but I'd also like the columns to be shifted 50% of the image height. It's probably easier to show an example of what I'm trying to do: Start with this: http://i43.tinypic ...
- 2011-07-28T08:44:24-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Convert CMYK EPS to RGB PNG maintaining transparency
- Replies: 3
- Views: 10155
Re: Convert CMYK EPS to RGB PNG maintaining transparency
Hey Fred Thanks so much for the quick reply. I'm not an image expert so I suspect I've used the term "transparent" incorrectly. Nevertheless, if I open the input file using Photoshop or Illustrator, it has a see-through background (displayed as little white and grey squares): as far as my client is ...
- 2011-07-27T03:11:32-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: Convert CMYK EPS to RGB PNG maintaining transparency
- Replies: 3
- Views: 10155
Convert CMYK EPS to RGB PNG maintaining transparency
Hello all Really hoping someone can help me as I've been looking at this for ages and just can't quite get to the answer. I'm trying to convert a EPS CMYK file with a transparent background to a RGB PNG. Sounds simple, right? I started with this command: convert -colorspace rgb input_cmyk ...