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by PaigeS
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark with Text
Replies: 9
Views: 35895

Re: Watermark with Text

Sorry to anyone who's looking at this -- I see I used the same image url each time I played with looking now at the older posts (besides the last one) is not actually how it looked when I commented on it...
by PaigeS
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark with Text
Replies: 9
Views: 35895

Re: Watermark with Text

OK, I got it to work to my boss's no need to answer anything in this post. Here's my current code for anyone else who's looking at this... convert -size 400x200 xc:none -font Arial -pointsize 25 -kerning 1 ...
by PaigeS
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark with Text
Replies: 9
Views: 35895

Re: Watermark with Text

I'm now trying to use the annotate command, since I want my text to be angled & tiled. So, here's what I have: convert -size 400x200 xc:none -font Arial -pointsize 30 -kerning 2 -gravity center -fill rgba(0,0,0,0.4) -annotate 315x315+0+0 "" WATERMARK_FILE.png And here's the image: http ...
by PaigeS
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark with Text
Replies: 9
Views: 35895

Re: Watermark with Text

Hi, thanks for all your help. I tried copying the code you have for the nice embossed look in the sample (of the flower) you included above. Here's my code: convert -size 450x200 -background none -font Utopia-bold -fill white -gravity center caption:"" -shade 240x40 WATERMARK_FILE.png ...
by PaigeS
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark with Text
Replies: 9
Views: 35895

Re: Watermark with Text

Yes, thank you. That worked! Thank you! Here's a sample: But, I would prefer something prettier like the rubbleheads sample above...Is there any slight modifications to size/font/etc to make my watermark more pleasant ...
by PaigeS
Forum: Users
Topic: Watermark with Text
Replies: 9
Views: 35895

Watermark with Text

Hi, I'm trying to watermark an image with text, but I'm struggling to get this done. I've read many blogs online, including ...but my watermark is just not coming out correctly. My main problem is that my watermark seems to have a background ...