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by projapati
Forum: Users
Topic: Need help with this IM batch command
Replies: 1
Views: 3737

Need help with this IM batch command

How do I loop all the files in a given folder and then resize all images to 300x300? I need some clue on how to do this in windows batch script. This is my cmd.bat: FOR EACH %%a in (*.jpg) DO convert.exe %%a -resize 640x640 C:\Temp\Destination\%%~na.jpg This is how I am trying to call it: cmd.bat c ...
by projapati
Forum: Users
Topic: Why IM is several times slower than IrfanView?
Replies: 5
Views: 13633

Re: Why IM is several times slower than IrfanView?

I am using both IrfanView and ImageMagick daily, and yes, IM is significantly slower than IrfanView when it comes to the actual work. Performing standard tasks with IM is however overall faster, because they can be fully automized. See the link below for a bunch of examples. When converting several ...
by projapati
Forum: Users
Topic: How should approach this with IM batch tool?
Replies: 3
Views: 9049

Re: How should approach this with IM batch tool?

I changed the command a bit: >convert.exe -sampling-factor 4:4:4 -quality 95 -resize 640x640 -unsharp 0x1 *.jpg C:\Temp\output\ This seems converting all files in the current folder writing to the output folder. But the converted files in output\ have weird names like -0, -1, -2 etc What other ...
by projapati
Forum: Users
Topic: Why IM is several times slower than IrfanView?
Replies: 5
Views: 13633

Why IM is several times slower than IrfanView?

I am trying to batch process 30 images (2MB avg size) in a folder. The IrfanView seems converting (resample and resize) very very quickly. But ImageMagick takes 10-20 times longer to process the 30 files. Is this speed issue typical for IM? How can I cam IM faster when I run this type of command for ...
by projapati
Forum: Users
Topic: How should approach this with IM batch tool?
Replies: 3
Views: 9049

How should approach this with IM batch tool?

I have a folder with 1-60 images of 2MB avg size each. So total 120MB. Now I need to process this folder files in batch to generate 1024px, 640px, 24px and 75px square size images for each of the photos. The converted photos (after resize) should go to different folders. Q1 - Do I have to give 4 ...
by projapati
Forum: Users
Topic: Which version of the batch tool to use?
Replies: 2
Views: 9168

Which version of the batch tool to use?

Hi, I am trying test ImageMagick batch tool I investigated IrfanView for our heavy traffic site. All I want to use is the convert.exe to batch process 1-100 files in various user upload folders. I am confused by seeing 7 possible binary installations of the batch tool for WINDOWS. ImageMagick-6.7.1 ...