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by zhong xiao bao
Forum: Developers
Topic: the problem of speedup used opencl in imagemagick
Replies: 2
Views: 7341

Re: the problem of speedup used opencl in imagemagick

thank you very much for your reply .I want to develop the imagemagick used opencl .I hope you can give me help and some advices
by zhong xiao bao
Forum: Developers
Topic: the problem of speedup used opencl in imagemagick
Replies: 2
Views: 7341

the problem of speedup used opencl in imagemagick

Is it used opencl can faster than not used opencl . frst find convert.exe and the command line i put in is : -convolve 16 d:\pic\1.jpg d:\pic\1.bmp and another is :d:\pic\1.jpg d:\pic\1.bmp the status of used opencl Event Comsuming Time : 520.89ms the status of not used opencl Event Consuming Time ...
by zhong xiao bao
Forum: Developers
Topic: OpenCL
Replies: 5
Views: 16047

Re: OpenCL

I want to realish some major funtions of imagemagick used opencl ,would you help me or give me some advices
by zhong xiao bao
Forum: Developers
Topic: IM and opencl
Replies: 1
Views: 4503

IM and opencl

I want to used opencl realish some functions about iamge proccesing such as transform (crop, flip, et.c), enhancement (tune hue channel, incease contrast, histogram equalization, despeckle, sharpen). has anyone do about this or give me some help .thank you very much !
by zhong xiao bao
Forum: Developers
Topic: need help about Imagemagick
Replies: 3
Views: 8657

Re: need help about Imagemagick

We did a OpenCL POC with image convolution. Take a look at the source, ImageMagick-6.7.1/magick/accelerate.c. Yes ,I have found it -ImageMagick-6.7.1/magick/accelerate.c, I need to know which parts of imagemagicks are used most and realize with opencl. which API is called most and is the major of ...
by zhong xiao bao
Forum: Developers
Topic: need help about Imagemagick
Replies: 3
Views: 8657

need help about Imagemagick

I am a new developper of iamgemagicks .Now ,I want to find the major of functions of Imagemagick and find the programming where is used Opencl .
Thanks a lot !