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by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Re: Converting problematic pdf's to png

Just a quick comment (in case this effects anyone else) - my .tif to pdf conversions started to go a bit "light". That is, a lot of the lines of the original file to convert because invisible in the convertedPNG.png file. So, I tweaked the command by increasing the density from 72 to 300 . Lucky ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Re: Converting problematic pdf's to png

What works for me sounds good to me! Then this is the command I'll use. Splendid! Thank-you for your continued patience and time. :-)

Code: Select all

convert -density 72 convert.tif -scale @550000 -flatten PNG8:converted-hooray.png
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Re: Converting problematic pdf's to png

Either of our (snibgo or my) last command lines (posted above) seem to produce good quality results. Using JPG as output will cause a loss in quality, since JPG compression does not do a good job on regions of the same color. It could be your GS version. I was using Ghostscript 9.10 on IM ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Re: Converting problematic pdf's to png

The two PDFs are different. convert.pdf contains a vector image. convert2.pdf contains a raster image. For the vector image, I suggest: convert -density 72 convert.pdf -flatten PNG8:c0.png This doesn't need rescaling to fit with 550000 pixels. The difficulty is in creating an automated script that ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Re: Converting problematic pdf's to png

Hello gentlemen, thank-you for your replies. I have to dash off for a few hours but will work through them upon my return. (Thank-you) Just one quick question though: If I swapped to have a .jpg output as apposed to .png would it make things simpler? First you have not said what is wrong with the ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Re: Converting problematic pdf's to png

Thank you all for getting back to me, in turn: dlemstra : Your suggestion is actually how I previously had my command. Since "-density 300" never seemed make a difference (to successful or unsuccessful) conversions, I dropped it out. Regardless my command is now revised to your suggestion. Re ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9
Replies: 9
Views: 7442

Re: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9

Hi fmw42 and Snibgo, just a little note in the hope I may catch your attention as you helped me with my png problem previously - - - please if you get a minute could you take a look at my related post: Converting problematic pdf's to png Thank-you once again for your help both now and in the past ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting problematic pdf's to png
Replies: 15
Views: 12800

Converting problematic pdf's to png

Hi there My PROBLEM convert convert.pdf -scale @550000 PNG8:convertedPDF.png My command above works wonderfully on some pdf's but on others it does not as shown in the picture. There is not enough detail in convertedPDF.png to identify a basic drawing shape. ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Update IM on cygwin to v6.8.9-7?
Replies: 2
Views: 3554

Update IM on cygwin to v6.8.9-7?

Hello, Could anyone please let me know how I can update IM to version 6.8.9-7 on cygwin? Tried Method #1: Use installer The installer does not list v 6.8.9-7 Tried Method #2: Use apt-cyg Does't work $ identify -version Version: ImageMagick 6.7.1-10 2011-08-21 Q16 Copyright ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9
Replies: 9
Views: 7442

Re: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9

Try it and see! Yes, that works too. Not because of transparency, but because JPG can't store 1 bit/channel/pixel. The usual JPG format is 8 bits/channel/pixel, so it works the same as Fred's "PNG8:" suggestion... Great thanks Snibgo. I gave it a try just after posting but never had any previously ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9
Replies: 9
Views: 7442

Re: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9


Since this problem had to do with transparency and contrary to .png files .jpeg files don't have transparency - - could I have avoided the problem completely by choosing to convert .tif to .jpg as apposed to .png?

Thanks again,
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9
Replies: 9
Views: 7442

Re: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9

Did you try my command with the PNG8: before the output? Oops! Sorry Fred I completely missed your recommendation. I've just tried your command now and it works! ...It is a 1-bit image, which naturally doesn't scale well if kept at 1-bit. "-depth 16" cures it. Or, as Fred says, "PNG8:". Equally ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9
Replies: 9
Views: 7442

Re: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9

Is there anything I should be installing in addition to ImageMagick? I remember installing vcredist_x64.exe with the earlier version for stability... (I think). Any clues on how I can figure out what the problem is? I really need this functionality :(

Thanks again.
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9
Replies: 9
Views: 7442

tif to png no longer works with IM6.8.9

Hi there, I have 2 PCs with IM: Old PC: ImageMagick-6.7.1-10-Q16-windows-dll installed New PC: ImageMagick-6.8.9-2-Q16-x64-dll installed I run this command on each: (1) convert original.tif[0] -scale @400000 newpng_6.7.1.png (6.7.1 this works) Magick: original.tif: unknown field with tag 292 (0x124 ...
by michelle
Forum: Users
Topic: Create png from only first page of pdf file
Replies: 2
Views: 10402

Re: Create png from only first page of pdf file

great. thank-you. it works perfectly. :)