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by Blackeye
Forum: Users
Topic: Writing text on top of a background image
Replies: 3
Views: 8270

Re: Writing text on top of a background image

Hej Bonzo! Thanks for your draft, but I already made a little step forward. With this code I can get the text on top of the background image: system "convert", "-size", "600x148","xc:transparent", # in newer ImageMagick Versions instead use: "canvas:none", "-draw", "image over 0,0 0,0 '$home/tmp ...
by Blackeye
Forum: Users
Topic: Writing text on top of a background image
Replies: 3
Views: 8270

Writing text on top of a background image

Hi, I'm working due to my new job with Imagemagick for a few days and have a question concering writing text on top of a background image. I do this in the following perl script (without background image, only background-color): system "convert", "-size", "468x60", "-fill", "#8F000F", "-draw ...