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by mimoss03
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick and OpenEXR
Replies: 1
Views: 2593

Re: ImageMagick and OpenEXR

Here is an example of what i mean by vague instructions... ... -range.php

I dont see this "magick-config.h" anywhere in the IM folder structure...
by mimoss03
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick and OpenEXR
Replies: 1
Views: 2593

ImageMagick and OpenEXR

Ok, Hope i am posting this in the correct location... My ultimate goal is to get OpenEXR to work with ImageMagick. I have read just about every forum, topic, instruction i can possibly find on the net on how to do this. Unfortunatly, all the instructions or anything i come across is very, very, VERY ...
by mimoss03
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick horrible quality?
Replies: 6
Views: 10800

Re: ImageMagick horrible quality?

I did what you suggested. It still converts to an animated video, obviously, But with only 1 frame. Trying to play the video, that frame goes by to quick to see anything. Sooo...I imported that single frame .mpeg into After Effects to be able to see it. I can definetly see some quality loss. (Even ...
by mimoss03
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick horrible quality?
Replies: 6
Views: 10800

Re: ImageMagick horrible quality?

I converted a single .tga image to a single .jpg image and the quality is perfect.

Not sure how to convert to a still .mpg. What would be the extension to use? In the meantime i will look at the link you provided. Thanks. :)
by mimoss03
Forum: Users
Topic: ImageMagick horrible quality?
Replies: 6
Views: 10800

ImageMagick horrible quality?

Hi, New here... I've been working with Imagemagick for only a few days now and technically i can get it to do what i need it to... Convert an image sequence into a .mov movie format. It is outputting the correct format, This is the code im using: convert *.tga -quality 100 c:\destination\test.mpeg ...