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- 2011-11-14T03:22:23-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: draw on a specific pdf page
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7471
Re: draw on a specific pdf page
Thanks! I'm using scans, so the pdf is already araster image in a pdf. I almost got it working. Next problem appears. I tried both commands (the enters mine for readability. Original command doesn't have enters): convert -density 300 -compress ZIP file1.pdf \( -clone 0 -fill none -strokewidth 9 ...
- 2011-11-11T03:42:33-07:00
- Forum: Users
- Topic: draw on a specific pdf page
- Replies: 3
- Views: 7471
draw on a specific pdf page
I have a command like this: mogrify -density 300 -compress ZIP -fill none -stroke green -strokewidth 5 -draw 'rectangle 200,200 800,300' With this it creates a nice rectangle. However, if my pdf has more then 1 page, it draws on all of them. If i specify a page number it deletes the ...