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by dbc001
Forum: Users
Topic: Help! Convert svg to pdf creates low-res files
Replies: 3
Views: 14081

Re: Help! Convert svg to pdf creates low-res files

Thanks! That did the trick.

Thanks for the link. It never occurred to me that IM was rasterizing everything for conversion. Any idea what tool I should be using for svg -> pdf conversion?

Thanks again guys!
by dbc001
Forum: Users
Topic: Help! Convert svg to pdf creates low-res files
Replies: 3
Views: 14081

Help! Convert svg to pdf creates low-res files

Okay, I'm trying to create a pdf from an svg file. I do a search & replace on the svg file and then create a pdf from it using this command: convert source.svg target.pdf Every time I try it I end up with terribly pixelated files that look like a highly compressed jpg. The fonts are rasterized and ...