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by Paolo_Italia
Forum: Users
Topic: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white
Replies: 10
Views: 19531

Re: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white I am in great confusion. Look at these two photos, the color has values ​​closer to zero than the black and white. /usr/local/bin/convert -quiet image.jpg -colorspace hsb -channel r -separate +channel -format "%[fx:mean]" i ...
by Paolo_Italia
Forum: Users
Topic: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white
Replies: 10
Views: 19531

Re: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white

I obtain for an image convert image.jpg -channel rg -separate +channel -compose difference -composite -format "%[fx:mean]" info: 6.55076e-05 convert image.jpg -channel gb -separate +channel -compose difference -composite -format "%[fx:mean]" info: 5.40435e-05 convert image.jpg -channel br -separate ...
by Paolo_Italia
Forum: Users
Topic: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white
Replies: 10
Views: 19531

Re: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white

Very interesting Fmw42. But It's possible make an unique instruction instead of three "convert" command?
by Paolo_Italia
Forum: Users
Topic: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white
Replies: 10
Views: 19531

Re: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white Look at these two photos. The maximum (convert image.jpg \ (+ clone-colorspace gray \)-compose-difference-composite-colorspace gray-format '% [maximum]' info) the first photo is 3009, the second is 2170. But the first is ...
by Paolo_Italia
Forum: Users
Topic: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white
Replies: 10
Views: 19531

Re: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white

I explained myself badly. I have many images that have CMYK and RGB color space, but they are black and white. How do I distinguish them? With the methods well described on the page of Anthony, the method to compare the photo with the clone in grayscale and calculate the maximum different colors ...
by Paolo_Italia
Forum: Users
Topic: How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white
Replies: 10
Views: 19531

How recognize if a cmyk or rgb image is black and white

Hi all,
I'm trying to detect if a cmyk or rgb image is Black and White. According your opinion It's possible? In which way?