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by trebol-a
Forum: Users
Topic: Copy attribute width to new image
Replies: 3
Views: 1209

Re: Copy attribute width to new image

Thanx, is very similar at my solution... but how I can to use the responde of "identify myPicture.jpg" in a convert order?
snibgo wrote:I would do it like this:

Code: Select all

convert in.png -fill black -colorize 100 out.png
out.png is then the same size as in.png, but entirely black.
by trebol-a
Forum: Users
Topic: Copy attribute width to new image
Replies: 3
Views: 1209

Re: Copy attribute width to new image

I solved with

Code: Select all

convert otherPicture.jpg -draw 'color 0,0 reset' dummy.jpg
but, how I can to create an image width the attributes of other image?
by trebol-a
Forum: Users
Topic: Copy attribute width to new image
Replies: 3
Views: 1209

Copy attribute width to new image

Well, I think it is a simple question, but I cannot get a solution... :?

How I can to create a new image with WIDTH x HEIGHT of other image.
I need to make something like:

Code: Select all

convert -size [otherPictureWidth]x[otherPictureHeight] xc:black dummy.jpg
by trebol-a
Forum: Users
Topic: Homogeneize serial pictures
Replies: 3
Views: 2148

Re: Homogeneize serial pictures

Ok, thank you for your comments.
The post of snibgo is just what i was looking for. ;)
by trebol-a
Forum: Users
Topic: Homogeneize serial pictures
Replies: 3
Views: 2148

Homogeneize serial pictures

Hi all, look this animated gif How I can to make homegeneous "homogeneize" (perdon my english) from avoid the flicker effects bettween frames. Have Imagemagick any "anti-flicker effect" or similar? Thank ...
by trebol-a
Forum: Users
Topic: Optimal repetly operations
Replies: 1
Views: 3844

Optimal repetly operations

Hi all, I need to make ( in bash ) a big picture (about 5000 pixel) with a list of small circles (like a spacial dispersion graphical). How is the optimal and fastest method for this if i need set about 6000-7000 circles over a white background of 5000x5000 pixels? This? for n in $(seq 1 5000); do ...