Search found 7 matches

by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Create colormap from multiple images
Replies: 2
Views: 6805

Create colormap from multiple images

Hi, I have a series of large images (14000x14000+) which I need to resize and convert to 256 colours, however when converting these using -resize <width>x<height> -dither None -colors 256 I find that the colours don't quite match at the tile borders. I would like to generate a colormap across all ...
by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Extremely slow image resize
Replies: 5
Views: 16251

Re: Extremely slow image resize

This is a strange one. I experienced the problem with the latest dynamic Q16 version but I replaced it with the Q16 static standalone version and they resize just as quickly the other tools. Seems there may be something different about the way the 2 handle large files?
by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Extremely slow image resize
Replies: 5
Views: 16251

Extremely slow image resize

Hi, I'm using ImageMagick to convert some large TIFs (14000x14000) to smaller sizes - 8000x8000, 4000x4000 and 2000x2000, in GIMP and Photoshop this takes seconds but ImageMagick takes hours. My command line is: convert "<path>\<to>\<input>" -resize 2000x2000 "<path>\<to>\<output>" Running on a quad ...
by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting TIF to indexed PCX colour issue
Replies: 3
Views: 7514

Re: Converting TIF to indexed PCX colour issue

Thanks, I did try it that way round but it didn't make any difference to the output unfortunately.
by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting TIF to indexed PCX colour issue
Replies: 3
Views: 7514

Converting TIF to indexed PCX colour issue

Hi, I'm working on replacing a GIMP-based script with ImageMagick and I'm having some problems with image conversion. The process is required to take an input TIF image and convert to a PCX image tile. The tile appears to export OK but does not look correct when loaded by the application it's being ...
by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Split huge image file without reading entire file
Replies: 3
Views: 8197

Re: Split huge image file without reading entire file

Thanks, I've been reading through that and adjusting memory limits etc but it still takes a very long time (10 mins+) to open the file whereas something like GIMP can open it and start processing in < 10 secs. Not sure if this is expected or if I'm doing something wrong.
by danc81
Forum: Users
Topic: Split huge image file without reading entire file
Replies: 3
Views: 8197

Split huge image file without reading entire file

I have a file which is around 100000 x 100000 pixels, I would like to crop into smaller images which I'm doing with: convert input.jpg -crop 100x100 +repage output_%d.jpg This is working but it takes a very long time and a huge amount of memory to open the file. Is there a way to do this without ...