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by areslagae
Forum: Users
Topic: -page and -density not compatible?
Replies: 6
Views: 3710

Re: -page and -density not compatible?

snibgo's snippet seems to work. Many thanks! I am just wondering about the following: The generated PDF has a size (according to acroread) of 8.27 x 11.69 inch, which is A4. How does imagemagick infer the size in inches from the pixel resolution? Or is the density setting actuallty stored in the PNG ...
by areslagae
Forum: Users
Topic: -page and -density not compatible?
Replies: 6
Views: 3710

Re: -page and -density not compatible?

OK, in that case let me reformulate my question: How do I control the size of the raster image in the PDF file? I use DPI for that, but I could also specify the desired size (which basically boils down to the same thing ...).
by areslagae
Forum: Users
Topic: -page and -density not compatible?
Replies: 6
Views: 3710

-page and -density not compatible?

Hi all, I want to center a raster image (PNG) in an A4-sized PDF with a given DPI. However, it seems that the -page and -density options for convert are not compatible. - This command line works using (apparently) 72 DPI: convert rose: -page a4 -gravity center rose.pdf - However, I have a 300 DPI ...
by areslagae
Forum: Users
Topic: convert PNG to PDF: color issues
Replies: 2
Views: 7475

Re: convert PNG to PDF: color issues

Hi all,

I think I have solved the issue.

The PNG file in question had a 1-bit alpha channel.

After removing that channel (convert -type TrueColor) the PNG to PDF conversion worked as expected.

by areslagae
Forum: Users
Topic: convert PNG to PDF: color issues
Replies: 2
Views: 7475

convert PNG to PDF: color issues

Hi all, I am converting a PNG to a PDF using convert image.png -units PixelsPerInch -density 300 image.pdf However, the colors in the PNG file are way off (gamma and color balance) when looking at both the PNG and the PDF on the screen (I have not tried printing the PDF yet). How can I fix this? It ...