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by fibonacci1101
Forum: Users
Topic: How to speed up animated GIF
Replies: 7
Views: 20917

Re: How to speed up animated GIF

Ok, I came up with this idea. While extracting frames from video I'm using this command: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -f yuv4mpegpipe - | yuvfps -s 75:1 -r 75:1 | ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -r 25 -y -f image2 output-%04d.png So it's like speeding up video first and then extracting it frames, but without ...
by fibonacci1101
Forum: Users
Topic: How to speed up animated GIF
Replies: 7
Views: 20917

Re: How to speed up animated GIF

I mean morphing like joining few frames into new one. So if originally GIF is consisted of, let's say, 60 frames than after converting it with IM it will be 40 frames for example. I don't know how to explain it better, maybe I will prepare some GIFs and show them to you later.
by fibonacci1101
Forum: Users
Topic: How to speed up animated GIF
Replies: 7
Views: 20917

Re: How to speed up animated GIF

It's not about changing delay because I believe that delay 0 is the lowest and gif cannot animate any faster. It's more about morphing/joining frames and by it reducing the numer of frames but maintaining the fluency/smoothness of the animation.Is there any command that can do it? Any help?
by fibonacci1101
Forum: Users
Topic: How to speed up animated GIF
Replies: 7
Views: 20917

How to speed up animated GIF

Hello everyone ;) I know the topic of my post seems familiar and there is a lot topics like this but none of them could help me solve my problem. So, I'm converting a group of images into animated GIF, that I've extracted from video file, using this command: convert pics-*.png -resize 500x281 ...