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by loru88
Forum: Users
Topic: -scene doesn't work
Replies: 1
Views: 3206

-scene doesn't work

I need to montage some images and give name starting from index 2 I have used this command montage -density 300 album4.pdf[1-99] -tile 2x1 -quality 80 -geometry +0+0 -resize 800 -scenes 2 album4_2012_%02d.jpg but it doesn't name my files from album4_2012_02d.jpg it ignores the -scenes and start from ...
by loru88
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert PDF to JPG with +append
Replies: 5
Views: 15917

Re: Convert PDF to JPG with +append

Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't work, it said there is an error: montage: unrecognized option `-delete' @ error/montage.c/MontageImageCommand/867. in fact the -delete option isn't listed in the montage option summary ( ) I have tried also this ...
by loru88
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert PDF to JPG with +append
Replies: 5
Views: 15917

Re: Convert PDF to JPG with +append

I made by my self, the solution was easy. the command to do this is is a simple -montage with the -convert option montage -density 300 album.pdf -mode Concatenate -tile 2x1 -quality 80 -resize 800 two_page.jpg in this way each jpg is a pair of consecutive pdf's pages and they are very high quality ...
by loru88
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert PDF to JPG with +append
Replies: 5
Views: 15917

Convert PDF to JPG with +append

Hello everyone I'm new to imagemagick, and I need a little help. I have a pdf, I want to convert it in jpg but I need to have a jpg file for every two consecutive pages I have used this command to convert just two pages in a single jpg file with the page side by side convert pdf_file.pdf[0-1 ...