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by vik
Forum: Users
Topic: Moving a caption
Replies: 7
Views: 11213

Re: Moving a caption

The full command: /usr/local/bin/convert \("<src file name>" -resize 500x\) \ \( -size '470x60' -background '#0000' -font Impact -stroke '#000C' -strokewidth 6 caption:"<caption here>" \) \ -gravity north -geometry +0-15 -composite \( -size '470x60' -background '#0000' -font Impact -stroke none ...
by vik
Forum: Users
Topic: Moving a caption
Replies: 7
Views: 11213

Re: Moving a caption

The new syntax fails to generate an image at all. Here is the url but I've set it to simply output the command for now. This is the page on the site. I want to be able to generate an image for any caption on demand. ...
by vik
Forum: Users
Topic: Moving a caption
Replies: 7
Views: 11213

Re: Moving a caption

It didn't work. I am using the following command now: /usr/local/bin/convert \("<src file name>" -resize 500x\)' \( -size '470x60' -background '#0000' -font Impact -stroke '#000C' -strokewidth 6 caption:"<caption here>" \)\ -gravity north -geometry +0-15 -composite \( -size '470x60' -background ...
by vik
Forum: Users
Topic: Moving a caption
Replies: 7
Views: 11213

Moving a caption

I'm trying to use ImageMagick to add an auto-sizing caption to an image. However the text is too close to the bottom edge of the image. I want to move it up. I tried adding a +0+15 to the gravity option but it didn't work. Here's the command I'm using: convert -resize -500x <src file name> -size ...