cool! Thanks. The textcleaner was 100% superb without any finetuning. Best results so far. I've tried your autolevel script, but that did not help much.
Now i just need to find hosting where that script runs quicker than 20 seconds
Why do you have -alpha set enabled? It only turns on a perfectly opaque alpha channel, which I would think would not be good for your tesseract. I wanted to make it 100% like the one on my mac Did you try my command? Try upgrading your IM as you are about 100 versions old. I've tried your command ...
Hi all, what i'm basically trying to achieve is convert jpg file to tiff so that it could be parsed with tesseract. The problem - when i convert it by using convert command line utility, tesseract output contains a lot of garbage. But if i process the same image on Mac with Preview (simply auto ...