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by Atirag
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Passing filename as argument to program for MagickWriteImage
Replies: 0
Views: 10502

Passing filename as argument to program for MagickWriteImage

Hello, I'm trying to pass the filename of an image as argument to my program and use it with MagickReadImage and then to re-write the image with MagickWriteImage. When I print the argument the path is fine printf("argv 5 %s\n",argv[5]); gives argv 5 ../Imagenes/Clase 1/barleyrice001-inca-100dpi-00 ...
by Atirag
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Wrong pixel values.
Replies: 2
Views: 13662

Re: Wrong pixel values.

Thx Anthony!

And how can I change the image to grayscale?
by Atirag
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Wrong pixel values.
Replies: 2
Views: 13662

Wrong pixel values.

Hello I have an image that is mostly yellow and I tried to turn it into a grayscale image by using this. MagickQuantizeImage(image_wand,256,GRAYColorspace,0,MagickFalse,MagickFalse); and it worked the image turned into grayscale and I saved it as a new file. I later used that same file but now I ...
by Atirag
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Converting image to Grayscale
Replies: 4
Views: 23911

Re: Converting image to Grayscale

Managed to do it with this

Code: Select all

by Atirag
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Converting image to Grayscale
Replies: 4
Views: 23911

Re: Converting image to Grayscale

Hello Pete, thanks for the reply.

I tried that but when I save the image to disk it is exactly the same as it was before, the colors didn't change.
by Atirag
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Converting image to Grayscale
Replies: 4
Views: 23911

Converting image to Grayscale

Hello, :) I'm fairly new to ImageMagick and I am wandering if there's an easy want to convert a normal RGB image to Grayscale. What I need to do is read the image from a file convert it into the grayscale version and write it back. Is there any MagickWand methods to do this. I've been looking ...