Search found 4 matches

by alan
Forum: Users
Topic: monochrome from jpg's
Replies: 3
Views: 5701

Re: monochrome from jpg's

thanks, I'll give it a go.
by alan
Forum: Users
Topic: monochrome from jpg's
Replies: 3
Views: 5701

monochrome from jpg's

Is there a 'Grayscale' function within the php version of ImageMagick which does the same as the command line function: exec("convert $image -type Grayscale $outimage ") I have been using '$im1->imagefilter(100,0,100);' but this just desaturates the image and produces a low contrast result. thanks ...
by alan
Forum: Users
Topic: RGB to CMYK conversion accuracy
Replies: 13
Views: 30765

Re: RGB to CMYK conversion accuracy

Thanks for the input. We have confirmed LCMS is associated correctly. We agree about the doubt about needing -colorspace CMYK, but leaving it out seems to produce (according to the header)an RGB image with a CMYK profile attached. When you try to open this in photoshop it first says 'attached colour ...
by alan
Forum: Users
Topic: RGB to CMYK conversion accuracy
Replies: 13
Views: 30765

RGB to CMYK conversion accuracy

Hi, we are using this command line in a PHP script to automate the conversion of RGB image files to CMYK: exec ("convert $infolder/$image +profile '*' -profile /path/to/sRGB_v4_ICC_preferences.icc -colorspace CMYK -profile /path/to/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc $outfolder/$outimage"); It works, but the ...